14)A Winter Wonderland

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Dedicated to my awesome new fan Makayl - l she is an amzing fan and is very supportive!

The song for this chapter is " Teenagers" By My Chemical Romance. If you like the song then vote and if you have any song suggestions then comment!

Hand in hand, Olive, Chloe, Sage and I entered the school's gym. The first emotion that I felt was definitely amazement; the gym was completely transformed into a winter wonderland. Sparkly sliver streamers hung from the ceiling with a mix of blue and white lights shining from the disco ball overhead. Fake snow covered the floor in thick pure white magic. The tables were elegant purple, white, and blue table cloths that looked like it was zapped in through an interior design magazine. Nothing could prepare you for the shock that shined in everyone's eyes when looking at the see- through, glittery drapes that hung as canopies over the plain white couches that had long fluffy white blankets lain across the front.

"Whoa...." Chloe's eyes glazed over when looking at the ice-dance floor. It was supposed to look like a pond frozen over in the winter. It was gorgeous. There is no other word for it besides gorgeous.

"What do you think the blankets are for on the couch?" I asked Olive before turning again to the dance floor.

"Probably to curl up to, it really shows the essence of the theme of the dance. Since it's supposed to be a winter wonderland than it's supposed to be winter, thus making it cold. So why not let people sit under blankets?"

"Yah, your right..." I muttered absentmindedly, I was too busy staring at Alexis. His midnight black hair was mussed to perfection, leaving his deep violet eyes to stand out and reflect against the flashing lights in the room. His black tux was just the way a tux should look on someone. It wasn't too tight; tight enough to look feminine, but it was tight at the point where it showed off his large muscles and lean body. He looked up and met my eyes for a brief second before turning his head to the girl next to him who had her sharp hot pink nails clawed into his shoulder to get his attention. I followed her nails up to her arm and to her neck which had a pearl necklace tight clasped around. I looked form her neck to her head and was in for the surprise of my life when I learned that the girl that Alexis is with is none other than Victoria. She had on a strapless silver dress with a bow in a gold lace tide in the front. The dress was all sequins with a low neckline. I shook my head in disgust and ignored the twinge of jealousy that was churning in the pit of my stomach.

"Ary, I'm going to go to dance with Kolt. Chloe already went with Skye, so you and Sage are still here until Austen comes. Just, try to have fun, ok?" Olive smiled and called to me as she walked away with Kolt's arm slung over her shoulder.

"Ok, just keep it g-rated guys; there are kids in the room." I laughed loudly at her embarrassed face and turned to Sage, who was sneaking away to a dumbfounded Austen. He had just walked in and was stunned by the beauty of the room, just like us. I gave her a glare and made my way to the punch bowl which looked so appetizing at the moment. The cool pink drink flowed down my parched throat as I took a long sip from the crystal glass, making sure not to "smudge my lipstick" as Olive had taught me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around to see a silent Hunter gloomily standing in front of me. He put on a fake smile and gave me an awkward, half hug.

"Hey Aria, would you like to dance?"

Why is he suddenly talkative now? He is the most silent person I know. I swear, I don't think that he has ever even said a full sentence to me before, not like the one he just said really counts.

"Hunter, I would love to dance." He nodded and brought me to the dance floor. His hands rested right above my waist and he remained quiet for the three songs. After another song devoted to keen observation on Hunter's body language I realized what it was all about. The way his eyes kept flickering over my shoulder, the way he seemed to just stand still while I swayed, and by the ever present frown on his face, "Hunter, who the hell are you trying to make jealous?" I growled, annoyed that I was being used.

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