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Riley's Pov:

"How can you say you feel that when you have barely ever been with her." I say to him.

"Just because I'm not with her. It doesn't take away the butterflies. Just when she's looking at me. Or I'm looking at her all of those emotions fill my stomach full of butterflies. Just the sound of her name brings a smile to my face. When she's with Farkle or any guy it makes me want to punch a wall. It doesn't matter if we don't talk all the time. When we do talk we know we care. But this time I really Fucked up because she was pissed at me when I talked to her today. I can't stand to see her sad. So don't ever say I don't feel that way because I do. And I know that you feel like that with Farkle. And he cares too." Lucas says looking over at Farkle and Smackle.

"Even tho he's with her. You can see it in his eyes and his smile who he's really in love with." Lucas tells me.

"How am I suppose to tell him how I feel." I ask.

"You don't tell him. You can say any word in the dictionary that stands for how you feel. But if you don't show it then it doesn't matter. Base everything off of your actions. Why do you think I'm here. I have to prove to Maya that I still care. That I still love her. So here I am. Just go prove it to him." Lucas says. I smile.

"What about Smackle." I ask. "Well I couldn't care less about her. She's a bitch. But I know Maya will take care of her." Lucas says.

"You think Maya Is even alive. Its been about an hour since her mother went in there. Are you sure she'll make it." I ask him.

"I don't need to know for sure. I just need to have hope that she will." Lucas says there we're tears in his eyes.

"Yeah but you know what Maya would say about hope." I tell him.

"Yeah but I guess it just makes all of us a bunch of suckers." Lucas says with a faint smile.

Katy walks out from the trama room and into the hall where we're all standing. Her makeup is stained. And she's wiping her eyes.

Lucas turns around and just stares. We walk back over to Farkle and Smackle. Smackle glares at me. And Katy walks over to us. Farkle stands up.

"What happened to your eye." Katy asks.

"Oh I punched him. On accident of course." Lucas says with a little smile.

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