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Riley's POV:

Who was talking to my boyfriend that I wasn't suppose to know about.

"Zay who?" I asked again.

"U-- some new kid. Don't they know there not suppose to talk to Lucas I mean he's the most popular guy he wouldn't want to be talking to an outsider like that." Zay said while he kept winking at Lucas.

I knew he was lying. But I pretending like I thought he talked to a new person. I would have to ask around after class. Somebody had to have seen him talking to somebody. I needed to know who. He was MY BOYFRIEND! I sat down and basically fell asleep.

The teacher was so boring. I was just gonna copy of Smackle later. Hopefully she wouldn't be sucking face with Farkle so she could hang out later.

God I hated that her and Farkle together. I can't believe Farkle would date her. He always had a crush on me. But I didn't want to admit I liked him. It would have ruined my popularity least I thought it. Smackle is still popular and dating a nerd. Ugh. I hated it even worse that Farkle hung out with Maya. God I hated her sometimes. But I kinda miss her. I stopped hanging out with her after she couldn't hang out because she was to busy with medical tests and stuff. I wander how her cancer is doing. I hated being mean to her But I loved being popular so that's better.

Last week was the worst. Everything went wrong for her. Well and me. And a lot of people we have detentions after school now for 2 weeks. I'll be stuck in a room with Farkle,Maya, Lucas, Zay, Smackle, and Brandon. But I doubt well see Brandon he's still in the hospital.

Ugh finally class was over. I walked over to Darby and Missy and told them to ask around to see if they knew who Lucas talked to.

I walked over to a couple of nerds and asked them. Twirling my hair. To be more Flirty so I could get what  I wanted. They told me that they we're to busy working on some stupid boring math thingy that I didn't understand this morning so they didn't see anything. I saw Smackle in the hall with Farkle of course making kissy faces. I walked over.

"Leave Farkle." I said to him glaring. That's one thing Maya and me have in comment are mad glare.

"I'm not leaving Riley." He said with his big cute smile. God.

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