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Farkle POV:

I got out of bed. This morning after having my Nanny yell 50 thousands times. And having my phone been blown up by Smackle. I don't even want to check it but I decided too.

18 missed calls. 15 text.

Wow am I in trouble. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. Seeing my nanny head a big breakfast made for me. I hated That I had a Nanny. When Maya didn't even have a car. I wanted to give her one of ours or buy her one but she hated when I bought her things. She told me she didn't want to be a charity case. I didn't think she was. But she always thought she was. I hated that Smackle was a bitch to her. But I didn't want to upset my girlfriend so I just went along with it. I also hated how Everybody talked about Maya like she was a lost Puppy she had Been through a lot. From losing her brother. Her dad leaving her. Her mom trying to commit suicide and her cancer that she had.

Last week was the worse. Everybody wouldn't stop talking about it. Especially  Riley Matthews the one girl who I could never take my eyes off of. She used to be best friends with Maya and me. But then she changed. Everybody did. When Maya got Cancer Riley couldn't handle it and stopped hanging out with her. It all has changed. I have always loved Riley but she's never felt the same for me. I walked out the door. Of our mansion of a house I usually got lost.

I got in my beat up truck. I bet your wandering why a rich boy had a beat up truck. Well I didn't like being rich so I bought a beat up truck and I won't let anybody come to my house but Maya I hate when people know then all they want is money. Everybody but Maya she liked to come to my house but she didn't care for my money. Thats one of things I liked best about her. She was walking in the Wain again I picked her up. I gave her one of my t-shirts then we we're at school. I could tell she didn't want to be there. I hated when she had her sad puppy dog face on. But I knew she had to go to school. I unlocked the doors to the truck walked to the other side and told her to get out and face her fears. She gave me a glare. But she got out. My phone got another message from Smackle. Maya gave me a glare.

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