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Lucas POV:

I didn't want to stay away from her.

But Farkle was right I have hurt her to many times. He's always right.

He got out of The truck. I watched him walk into the hospital.

I wanted to go in there so badly. I didn't tho.

"Damn It! Damn it!" I banged my head on the steering wheel. It gave me a little sting to my Forehead I didn't care.

I was so upset.

I didn't want her to die.

I wanted to see her. I couldn't I shouldn't. But I am going to.

I ran into the hospital.

There weren't a lot of people in the waiting room. I went over to the desk where a nurse was. I walked over.

"Excuse me ma'am do you know where Maya Hart is?" I asked. The nurse didn't even look up from her desk. I heard a scream.

Then I saw Farkle standing in the hall next to a room. I ran over.

"Farkle is she okay." I said trying to calm him down. He couldn't even speak. He was in shock.

"Charge. Charge agian. And 1,2,3 charge agian." The nurses were working on her.

I looked in through the doorway. There she was lifeless they were trying to bring her back. I started to walk in I saw blood on the floor they were coming from her wrist. She cut her wrist why would she do that.

"Get out. You don't need to be in here out out." The nurse yelled at me pushing me out. Farkle still couldn't say anything. He was sitting up against the wall rocking back and forth. He was mumbling to himself. Just then Riley ran in.

"Is is she okay. I want to see her." She was out of breath while she was talking. Farkle didn't look up but he didn't mumble this time he said:

"She wouldn't want either of you 2 here you've ruined her life you guys need to leave. Now." He was really upset.

"Farkle I'm not leaving her again. She's my best friend." Riley said. As she started to sit down next to Farkle.

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