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Mayas POV:

I was shaking. Why was I shaking. I felt like I was going to collapse when I stood up to walk away. Farkle looked at me like I was some broken toy. I know he wanted to help but I couldn't be helped. I could barely feel my feet.

My whole body started to go numb. But I could see myself walking towards the nurses office. Lucas was standing by his locker. I saw him. I smiled. He waved at me but that was the last thing I could see. My vision started to become blurry. I fell to the ground. In that moment I knew I forgot to take my pills this morning. I also hadn't ate anything today or yesterday. I heard sirens. I think I was in an ambulance or a hospital I couldn't tell. Somebody was yelling my name I could hear tears. I'm sure they were all fake tho. Nobody would actually care. I heard somebody saying

"I need to you to look at me and follow the light with your eyes." It was a nurse a male nurse he was shining a light in my face. It was blinding. I could barely follow it with my eyes.

All of a sudden I could hear beeping.

"She's going into antileukemic shock. We need clamps." I think I stopped breathing.

They were doing everything they could to revive me honestly I just wanted to let go.

But then I thought of Farkle.

And how much he cared for me.

And mom and how much she would try to provide for me.

I wanted to live not for me but for them.

"There's no response. Do you want us to keep going or call it." A woman was saying to the male nurse.

"I'm not letting her die. I will do everything to keep her alive. Charge!" He was yelling and grabbing the clamps.

He was trying to save me.

Somebody actually cared enough to try.

Why wasn't I waking up I wanted to live.

I want to be alive.

I was screaming. But no one could hear me.

The machines were still beeping.


This can't be happening I don't want to die.

I should have taken my pills this morning.

Why didn't I take my pills.


Was I gone was the the last time they were going to save me.

"Josh are you going to call it yet. She's be out for nearly 35 mins. She's gone. You can't save her." The nurse was saying to the male nurse.

"I'm not going to let her die. Hand me a scalpel  I'm gonna save her." Josh was saying trying his best.

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