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Rileys Pov:

We stepped out of Mayas room and all sat in the hall. I was looking in through Mayas room she was asleep but I watched her and every breath she took. 

We didn't talk for a good steady half hour until Farkle finally said "Lucas, did you seriously  mean what you just said to her." Lucas looked confused shocked or maybe angry I couldn't really tell. Farkle just looked pissed when he said it.

"You really think I would lie about it to her. About that in this situation in her state of mind right now." Lucas said. Farkle didn't say anything he got up and started to walk to the vending machine.

"Do you think I would say that to her Riley and not believe it." Lucas asked. I shook my head.

"Riles tell me the truth." Lucas says starting to walk over to me.

"No I honestly don't believe you." I say.

"Why the hell not." He says this time he was right next to my face.

"Because you said you loved me. One time too. And it clearly wasn't true. And you basically lie about everything every 5 damn minutes. So I doubt anybody would believe you. Well besides Maya because she does fucking love you and you we're to busy being a douche to notice it. But I did. And I completely shut her out because of it." I say starting to cry.

"I never knew she felt that. Way. And I'm sorry that I'm such a douche all the time." He said taking my hand.

"Im alseep for about 2 seconds and your already together again. Well that's always nice to know." It was Maya her voice was weak and shaky but she stepped out of her room and said it.

"Maya." Lucas and I say in unison.

"Yup, the dead girls awake." She says. She laughed. It didn't sounds right because her voice still was weak.

"Are you okay." Lucas asked.

"Well I mean I just about died so I'm as good as I can get." She says. She starts to cough.

"Maya your okay." Farkle says dropping his food and running up to her and hugging her. She starts to cough and he let's go of her.

"You okay." He asks. She nods but she keeps coughing but blood starts to come out. She's falls to the floor.

"NURSE!" Lucas shouts.

What do we do?

She keeps coughing blood she starts to shake.

After about 5 minutes she stops shaking and caughing and her eyes shut.

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