Chapter 10

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"Daddy, I'm hungwy," Tahlia whined, looking up from her drawings.

For the past half hour, I'd been lying on the ground with her, helping her draw pictures. They didn't look like much, but still, the crayon patterns she made across the various pieces of paper had something special about them.

"Do you want some dinner?" I asked, placing a green crayon on the floor.

She nodded and mumbled for a positive answer.

"Okay," I said, standing up from my position on the floor and bending down to pick her up.

As we headed into the kitchen, Tahlia thought it would be fun to pretend she was flying. I let her lean back, with my arm firmly holding her and she smiled and giggled so sweetly. I couldn't help but smile myself. She was just as beautiful and precious as her mother.

I sat Tahlia down in her highchair and began heating up the previously prepared mashed vegetable mix. I was standing at the microwave, watching the small portion of food heat when I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Once Tahlia's food was at the right temperature, I pulled it out and grabbed one of her many plastic spoons from the drawer. I mixed the vegetables through and sat down on the chair adjacent to my daughter.

Usually, Nas and I would let her eat her food herself, but when the food was hot, we had to be cautious with her. I began scooping the food out, spoonful by spoonful, blowing the hot food to a moderate temperature before feeding it to Tahlia.

After a few mouthfuls, Becky walked in and made herself a drink of strong coffee. Whilst the kettle was boiling, my mobile began to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. Private number.

I never answered private numbers, but for some reason, I pressed the send button and placed the phone to my left ear as I continued to feed Tahlia.

"Hello?" I greeted to the other end of the call.

"Taylor Elliott?" a squeaky, female voice asked back. It was a voice I had never heard in my entire life.

"Speaking," I replied, wary of who this would be.

"Hi, my name's Ginny Dawson and I am a nurse at the Intensive Care unit at Geelong Hospital. I'm calling you in regard to your fiancée, Nasatya Perstacio," the woman replied.

I was feeling a mixture of emotions; everything from shock to fear to loss of life. I had no idea of how to respond. I couldn't even correct the nurse on Nas' name. But, why was I speaking to a nurse... about Nas?!

"It's my duty to inform you that Miss Perstacio was involved in a critical car accident this afternoon along the Midland Highway. She's been brought here to Geelong Hospital by ambulance and she is in a critical condition," she continued.

"Wait, Nas has been in a car accident?" I asked, catching Becky's attention also.

"I'm afraid so. She's in a critical condition like I mentioned, and we need you to come down and sign paperwork," the nurse answered.

I was already off my chair and racing in the direction of my car. I still had the phone to my ear as I ran out the kitchen door, calling out to Becky, "Watch Tahlia for me; I'll call you later."

I ended the call with the nurse and fumbled with my keys to start the ignition. Once it had caught, I sped out the driveway, and out of town.

With the weather conditions as they were, I could see just how easily it would have been for Nas to lose control of the car. She was inexperienced, and yet, Sam had let Nas drive in extremely hazardous conditions.

The Unexpected Has Arrived! (Unexpected, #2)Where stories live. Discover now