Fate's Mistake

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I heard the far away clicking of high heels. Peering out from the shadows, in my perfect eyesight, I saw a young girl, probably around my age in human years, wearing shorts and a tight tank-top. Her dark, midnight brunette locks flowed down her back like an angel halo. But then I reminded myself bitterly that angels didn't exist. If they did I wouldn't be like this. Like this monster. I noticed she was wearing an over-sized beige bag. Just then, I took notice of her tank top hugging her waist perfectly, wrapped around with a darker shade of a blue belt than her tank top. Her shorts were covered in dirt, adding an earthy whiff to her delicious scent. 

I admit she was prettier than most my meals but she was nothing more than that, a meal. What with her blue eyes that appeared to change to her mood. Right now, her eyes were like a storm cloud, brooding.

I stepped out from what appeared out of nowhere to her. Her expression flashed, surprised, then hardened into a defensive glare. She took a step backwards, avoiding a crack in the sidewalk that had threatened to trip her. 

"What do you want, weirdo?" she snapped, obviously not in a good mood.

"To have a...snack, you could say," I said politely. I had never liked to play with my food before I ate it. I saw her eyebrows raise slightly as she took in my attractive British accent.

"Well, um, there is a donut shop somewhere I'm sure" she said, with uncertainty flashing in her eyes.

"Hmph, well, yes, but that is not what i had in mind," I chuckled. I swept towards her fast, gently pushed her against the wall. I could hear her heart beat pick up and the fear radiating off of her. But, I knew she would keep her cool.

" W-w-what are you doing?" she said, mixed between anger and aroused.

I didn't respond, instead I smelled her deeply on her neck. She smelled something like a mix between the sweetest smell I have ever smelled, and the most mesmerizing one, too. I skimmed my fangs along her throat, caressing the soft feeling, which made her gasp and arch her back toward me. Her skin felt like the smoothest silk, and the stray pieces of hair on her neck added the rough feeling I immediately liked.

I inserted my fangs in her neck as a loud piercing scream followed. 


 new book that me and my friend are writing, you know....on and off, editing each other :) heehee well anyway, hope you like it.

xoxo <3

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