Chapter 17

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"'s okay." Robin says happily, going over and wrapping her up in a hug. 

"Who's Marion?" I ask, earning a glare from her. 

"Who is he, Robin? And why did you risk your life to rescue him?" she demands with her hands on her hips. 

"Hey!" I say, ripping my wig off - the thing itches and smells bad from sweat. "Don't you dare talk to my brother that way!" 

Her eyes widen and she glances between the two of us. " sister?"  

Robin nods and looks at the ground with sad eyes. I can't tell if he's upset with her or embarrassed. From the tone in her voice, I can tell he's never mentioned me. Probably never thought he'd have to. 

"Yes, Marion....there's a lot I need to tell you about my past - but not here. I think it's time you moved to our camp." he says, reaching out to her. 

"Not without my father." she says, pulling away from him. 

"We'll go get him and bring him to the camp Robin." Little John says and Marion looks over at him with grateful eyes. 

"Thank you." she says and Little John and Djack ride off. 

Robin leads us back to the camp after we had to wait around for over an hour as he tried to convince Marion her father would meet us at the camp safe and sound. She's seriously starting to get on my nerves. Honestly, I understand her concern...but staying here could be catastrophic for us.  

Once we enter the camp I take a deep breath and appreciate the fresh air. It feels good to be back in a place of such beauty and freedom. I take Beauty, my horse, over to the stables and decide to clean her myself.  

"Thank you." a voice I haven't heard for a while says to me. 

I jump in excitement and hug Beauty's neck. "Oh, I was worried I'd never hear your voice again." 

"It's sad, but I've tried to talk to you...but, it seems, you can't hear me when you're with other people. It's a relief just to be heard." she says, nudging my face with her nose. 

I laugh and pull back to start brushing her down.  

"Do you mind using the bucket first? I'm covered in dirt..." she says shyly. 

"Of course!" I say and start running the water over her coat and using my fingers to get rid of the dirt and dust. She sighs as I clean her and I let out a giggle at the sound. She sounds like me when my father used to bring chocolate back to me after meeting with the King.  

I finish cleaning her and hear footsteps heading our way. "I'll have to talk to you later." Beauty says before someone walks inside. 

I hug Beauty's neck as someone comes up behind me. I turn and see it's Marion. Sighing, I grab Beauty's tack and saddle and take the over to be hung properly.  

"I'm sorry!" she says, just as I'm heading out. 

I turn slowly to face her. "What for?" 

"For being so rude. I was still worked up from the guards trying to take me that all I saw was the boy who kissed one of Robin's men. I didn't know he had a sister...I was overreacting. I've watched him go through many stupid things lately to help people and get betrayed. I thought you were one of them. I'm sorry." she says and I can tell it's hard for her to admit she was wrong. 

I nod. "Honestly, I don't blame you for being suspicious...I've only been here a short time and he's kept me hidden as long as he could." 

"Then it is my fault you were in trouble." she says with a kind of determination I don't understand. 

"No! It's not your fault." I say, furrowing my brow and trying to figure out her meaning.  

"Of course it is, if it weren't for me - trying to be like Robin - you wouldn't have compromised whatever mission you were on in the first place." she says. 

"Honestly, I would have protected anyone at that point. I made a dumb decision kissing Allan...I forgot about my disguise for a moment and went with a plan made in less than a second." I say, putting as much sincerity as I can in my voice.  

She nods and smiles at me. "Well, looks like we're the only girls around here...he's going to make us spend a lot of time together."  

I smile with her and we head back toward where Mutch is surely cooking dinner. We start talking and laughing as we continue through the camp, passing some of the others. By the time we reach the table, we see that Robin and most of the others are already here. 

With a large grin on his face Robin says, " seems you two are friends?" 

We look at each other and smile wide saying, "I guess so," in unison. Causing us both to burst out in a fit of laughter.


Well, it seems my brain couldn't leave off tonight where the story had stopped. So, here's a third chapter in less than six hours of the first chapter I've finished today.

How do you feel about Marion? Has she been able to redeem herself for you?

Always yours,


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