Chapter 31

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I sigh, unable to believe we're going along with this plan. Sure, Half Pint's plan was pretty good, but it's still kind of crazy.

Oh, I also learned all their names, finally. There's Grumpy, he's the annoyingly grumpy one in the group. His name fits him almost too well. There's Half Pint, the tiny one of the group....yeah, it's crazy to believe that he's smart enough to come up with a plan like this. There's Doc - he's the boss and a certified doctor...even though only the dwarfs trust him enough to believe his diagnosis. There's Grub, he eats a lot and is a bit overweight due to his constant snacking. There's Butcher, he catches the food for Snow to cook and is actually pretty funny. There's Chuckles, all I can tell is that he's very nice and constantly...well, chuckles. Then there's Napoleon - he's taken it upon himself to decorate the house and is the reason why everything is so spotless.

Anyways, right now I'm sitting in the snow with Archer and Napoleon...waiting for who knows what. Honestly, I couldn't exactly follow everything Half Pint had told us - because there was way too much to it and everyone had different parts in it.

I rub my temples just trying to remember what he'd told us to do. Apparently someone was docking here tonight and we are supposed to stow away on-board the ship and it would take us to the person who could help us. The others are in the town, ready to make a distraction while we infiltrate the boat.

I sigh and rub my eyes before looking back out at the ocean. Suddenly, a large ship has sprung up from nowhere. Seriously, it's like it appeared out of thin air.

"This is it." Napoleon says, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

Okay, I'll be completely honest - I'm pretty excited myself right now. As I take in the boat I notice that, if we make this work, it'll be the best job I've pulled. Even better than some of the ones I pulled off with Robin and the others. However, I freeze once I see the name on the side of the ship. It's the Jolly Rodger...ship sailed by the notorious Captain Hook.

I gulp as I watch him confidently stride from his ship and down the dock. Obviously, he's arrogant enough to believe no one would mess with his baby. Of course, anyone in their right mind wouldn't.

"Wait a minute! You're not telling me this plan is to ride off to Neverland and return with the lost boys, now is it?" I ask, getting nervous.

"Of course it is." Napoleon says dismissively.

My eyes bug out of their sockets and I can feel my right eye twitching manically. "Nuh-uh, nope...not gonna happen. Bye, bye." I say and start to get up. They try to grab for me, but I pull away and start back down the dock. I take several deep breaths as I walk with my eyes closed. Of course, that's a dumb thing to do...mostly because I crash into something hard and fall flat on my butt. I rub the spot where it hurts the most and look up - right into the piercing blue eyes of Captain Hook. I gulp and try to scramble away, but run right into two of his goons.

"Well, what do we have here?" he asks, coming up behind me. "A soy, perhaps."

"Uh, nope...just a lost girl who's very turned around." I say, looking around wildly for a way out.

"Now, where do you think you're trying to run off to?" he says, lifting my chin with his hooked hand.

My hood slowly starts to fall off my head and, before I can grab it, reveals the one thing I don't want him to see. Obviously, it's easier to find a girl with red hair and fox ears than it is to find just a red haired girl.

"Wow, a prize you are indeed!" he says in delight and motions to his men. They grab my arms and I get a horrible sense of deja vu as they drag me back down the dock and onto the ship. They take me into some room and throw me in a large wooden cage and lock me in. "Hmm...I get the feeling you're going to be worth a lot of money."

I hear the clicking of shoes and the slamming of a door. Then the room goes dark and I realize I'm all alone. Great! In order to stay away from the stupid ship, I run into its Captain and get locked up in a cage - on the stupid ship! I should have just gone along with the least then I wouldn't be in a cage.


Uh, oh! Random plot twist! What's gonna happen? Why another dumb cliffhanger?! Please don't kill me with utensils and frying pans - by the way, who knew they work so well? Disney, that's who!

Anyway, comment and vote! ;)

Always yours,


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