Chapter 11

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"What?!" Little John and I cry.

We glance at each other then back to Robin. When he sees my attention's back on him, he pulls me into another bear hug and I cough at the force behind it. After a few moments, I relax and hug him back. I realize, if he's telling the truth, than I'm no longer alone in this world...I still have family. Even though we don't know each other, I still have him. Wow, a brother I never knew I had is hugging me.

"I'm guessing you want some answers." he says, taking hold of my hand and towing me along with him.

I smile and nod as my horse trails along behind us.

"She's a loyal one, she is." Little John says, pointing at Beauty.

I nod. "Yea, she is...she's the only thing I have left in this world. Well, other than Robin now..."

"What do you mean? Of course mom and pop haven't estranged their favorite child." Robin says with a barking laugh.

The sound reminds me of papa and I smile for a moment. Then I frown, seems like he doesn't know about the accident. I'd hate to ruin this for him, but he needs to know what happened to them. Maybe he'll let me stay with him for a while?

"Actually, they didn't run me off." I say, frowning at the ground.

"So you ran away, then!" Little John laughs, elbowing a frowning Robin in the ribs.

"Why would you do that?" he asks, stopping in front of me.

I try to balance on my toes to keep from toppling into him or falling to the ground. Once I'm confident in my balance, I take a step back and start wringing my hands together. If I tell him the whole story, he may try to go back to the village and get revenge on those who ran me out and then try to find the ones that killed mom and dad. If he does that, what'll happen to me? I can't go back there - it'll only be torture to be near Rumple and my old home...the one I'll never really be able to return to.

"Well..." I start, trying to find a way to word it. "I was at a ball..."

"And you ran away from the guards as they tried to catch you for thievery! Oh! You weren't invited and they were trying to throw you out, but you wouldn't give them that kind of satisfaction!" Little John exclaims in glee. "She's just like you, that one, she is!"

"Little John please, let her speak." Robin says with a much-practiced patience. I smile thinking about all the crazy things he must have talked Little John out of with that tone.

An old memory plays through the back of my mind. Me, a lot younger - around five years of age - running through the yard with an older boy. A boy a few years older than me. A young Rumple was sitting crossed-legged by a tree as he laughed at us. Hands wrapped around my waist and tossed me into the air. I squealed and hit at the boy's face, trying to make him put me down. Mom and dad came running from the house and yell, "Robin...Skylar! Time to eat. It's getting dark and we want your little friend to be home at a decent hour!" Then my parents disappeared into the house.

"What were you saying Skye?"

"Huh?" I ask.

"You were going to tell us why you're here...before Little John there disrupted you." he says in that patient tone.

"Right!" I say, pointing at no one in particular. "Um...I don't know any other way to say this so here it goes. I was at the ball when a horrible headache made me pass out. When I woke up it was a few days later and, apparently, many things happened in that short block of time. Two of the main things were that..." I start.

"Snow White's father died in his sleep not too long ago." Little John says, guessing the first."

I nod, "Yes...and, well, mom and dad were in a small caravan coming to see me. On the way, they were attacked and Father was killed. They found no trace of what happened to Mother."

Robin reaches out and wipes a tear out from under my eye. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Yea, I just couldn't stay there any longer after that." I say, omitting everything that happened with the villagers.

He pulls me into another hug and rests his chin atop my head. "You will stay with me until you decide what you wish to do next."

I pull back and smile up at him. "You mean it?"

"You really mean it?" Little John repeats.

I look over and glare at him as Robin laughs at me. "Of course I mean it! I wouldn't say that otherwise."

"But....what of the Merry Men? You cannot expect themselves to behave properly around a girl as civilized as she." Little John answers.

I roll my eyes and glare at him again. "Don't worry...I can handle myself around some raucous boys."

Robin laughs and claps John on the shoulder. "With a tongue like that, I am sure she can outwit even you my good friend. And the men will just have to get used to having my baby sister around!"

"I'm not a baby." I say indignantly.

"You certainly aren't with those curves!" Little John mutters under his breath as we glare at each other.

I push my hood back and get in his face. "Don't you start talking about my curves! They're not for you, you unhelpful arse!"

When he doesn't answer I smirk in a 'beat-that' kind of way. Of course, that's until I notice that the two of them are staring at the top of my head as if a large cobra was making a nest up there. Then, I remember. Of course they're staring, I have fox ears, for crying out loud! I quickly cover them back up and Beauty nudges my shoulder. I look over at her and pat her nose a couple times.

"What's wrong with your head?" Little John asks.

"I have a curse, okay? I don't really want to talk about it." I say with a finality that makes my brother - whoah, that's a strange and exhilarating thought! - shrugs and continues walking through the forest.


Yay, two chapters up in less than one day! I hope you guys enjoy this one.

Always yours,


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