Chapter 32

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So...apology in advance. Please bare with the crazy coming from this chapter...I've given myself a day and a half little marathon of Doctor Who on Netflix. Yes, love the show, only problem is, my brain starts to work in funny spurts like they do and it's obvious in Skylar's plan-making skills in the chapter. I'm sorry if your head starts spinning a bit while read *insert adorable hiding behind pillow mountain and sorry face peeking out from behind*


"Wake up, sleeping beauty!" a loud voice says, slamming the door into the wall.

As soon as the noise reaches my ears, I hear an awful ringing. Okay, so try to cover your ears when they're as big as your hands and can hear for miles - yeah, doesn't work very well. It's just annoying and gives me a headache. I groan and sit up as the door to my cage flies open.

I stare at the bright opening for a moment, unsure of whether or not I should trust the brightness beyond. Impatient, someone shoves their hand through the opening. They don't yank me out, so they must be waiting for me to comply. Fat chance buddy! I'm not going anywhere if it keeps me from being around your fat arse...

"Come on, we won't bite....of course, you look like you want to." a kind voice says and I look up into a pair of sympathetic eyes.

Stunned, I reach out slowly and place my hand in his. He helps me out and gives a small chuckle as he tucks my hand into the crook of his arm. I take in the man's appearance as he leads me outside. He's tall - not as tall as Archer, but still tall - with graying hair, plump rosy cheeks, a slightly rounded belly, and kind eyes. He's wearing a white and red stripped shirt, with leather pants and boots. He almost looks a pirate Santa Clause.

"Now, don't pay much attention to the Captain...he thinks he runs the ship, but I know better." he says, wagging his other finger at me.

I smile gratefully at him as he leads me across the deck, down a flight of literally four steps, and into a large sitting room. The Captain's quarters. I take in everything the man undoubtedly stole from countless people. There's a large oak table in the center of the room, a huge velvet covered chair and several wooden chairs - ego much? - surrounding the table. On the wall there are several glass cases with countless treasures inside. He seems to be as much of a pack-rat as Rumpelstiltskin.

"Oh, the guest of honor has arrived!" someone says cheerfully and I look over to see the Captain striding in from a hidden door in the cabin. "Now, don't just stand there looking at us all as though we're daft. There's plenty of food on its way for us to share and I want to know all there is to know about you. You are quite marvelous."

I blink a few times as the older man pulls a chair out for me. He bows slightly, stunning me in the process. They're treating me like a that I'm stuck here, of course. With no way of getting out - unless, Archer and Napoleon managed to get onto the ship. Which means, I need to keep these guys distracted long enough to get to Neverland - wherever that is - and stall until the guys can find Peter Pan. Now, how to distract?

Think, think, think....come on Skylar! There has to be something...ah, ha!

"Some food sounds lovely," I say in my sweetest voice. I take in everything about the room as I sit just the way my mother taught me to.

"So...what are you, if you don't mind me asking." Hook says as one of his men brings in the food.

"I don't mind." I say, trying to think up something that will really fascinate him. "Well...I'm from a long lost race...we're all half fox, half human. We're called them Vixen. I'm the last, of course! My parents died not too long ago...lost them in a huge battle against our natural enemy...the - the Snarlings. A horrible race of half reptile men with a horrible venom that - if I hadn't gotten away when I had - I'd have dies as well." Wow, that was the weirdest pile of idiocy that has ever come from my mouth.

I try to keep a straight face as I watch him absorb it all. Honestly, if he believes this he's got to be the dumbest person to ever grace this world. Whatever, I still see the gears turning as he processes the lot of it. My head hurts a bit, trying to figure out whether or not he'll buy it.

"Hm...that's weird! And what's happened to the Snarlings?" he asks, heaping mounds of food onto his plate.

"Their need to dominate got the better of them and they destroyed themselves - sort's hard to explain." I say, my brain unable to come up with any more to back the ridiculous story.

"Ah! they destroyed the overdrive for power is what shall be my undoing." Hook says, nodding to himself.

I shovel a bit of food onto my plate and try to prepare my plan better in my head. As long as we continue with this stupidity, the more time I can put into the thought of my plan and make sure it goes perfectly.

A jolt in the ship makes me almost jump out of my seat.

"A little jumpy are we?" Hook asks and I give a small apologetic not - he doesn't need to know the reason behind what it really meant.

"We're back!" another man enters with a large grin on his face.


Yes, this chapter was a bit confusing, but I apologized in advance. Anyway, what kind of plan do you think she's concocted? Is there trully any plan at all? Why did Kera have to watch too much Doctor Who?

Also, the comming up week is going to be VERY hectic for me. I don't know exactly how much I'll get done here, but please try to bare with me. I have to constantly run between school and a play I'm doing. Which the play's in the town I grew up in. Which means, I have to drive an hour to classes, do those, then drive right back home, work on the play, and vise versa everydsy for the next week and a half.

I might need serious therapy after this, but I'm gonna try my hardest. ;)

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