Chapter 41

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So, I'm dedicating this chapter to my best friend. Without her, these stories wouldn't be on her at all. She told me about this site and, to be honest, this story might have never been finished without Wattpad. So, thank you Cat_Lee!


Walking into the warm glow of the afternoon sun hand in hand with the man I love, I take a moment to appreciate everything that's come out of this crazy journey. The sun's rays hit the leaves of the surrounding trees making them shine with an array of different colors. There are greens, yellows, oranges, and reds. It's strange to see all the greens around me in the last few weeks of winter.

Seriously, go outside the mountain and everything is covered in white and ice. This place seems magical in a way when I think about it. I hear someone running and look up to see the guys rushing my way. Pulling my hand out of Archer's I hurry over into a mass of men all ready to hug me. It's funny, but Little John is the first to reach me. Then Mutch, Djack, Allan and Will.

"It's great to see you, Skylar." Little John says with a sincerity I can't understand.

"I thought you didn't like me." I say, pretending to be all flattered.

"Just be glad with what you got." he says, sounding a little embarrassed.

I smile as Archer walks up behind me. I notice how Will and Allan both size him up, trying to determine whether or not he's good enough for me. I blush a little to know how much they care. Even Mutch and Djack are scanning for signs he's not worthy or something.

I chuckle under my breath a bit. "Don't worry, he's good stock."

"Sure, I'll believe that when I see it." Djack mutters under his breath and I give him a pointed look to shut up.

He just shrugs me off.

"Anyways, guys...this is Archer. It's time you all officially met - I mean, Archer knows about you guys, but y'all probably don't know a thing about him. He's really nice and all. And he's a good hunter - the Huntsman, as a matter of fact." I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Anyway, this is Mutch, Djack, Allan A' Dale, Will and Little John - even though he's anything but little."

The guys all give each other a look and start laughing.

I give them a confused look before saying, "Oh, really guys!? Really? Is that all you ever think about. God, men are such babies!"

They continue to laugh at my little tirade. I try as hard as I can not to smile or show how happy I am to be with them. I didn't realize how much I'd missed them until now. Of course, that battle goes defeated when I can't bite down on my lip hard enough to stop my growing smile.

"I really missed you guy." I say, giving in.

They all pull me into a hug when I hear another set of feet. I turn and see Robin - the best brother in the world, in my standards - walking over hand-in-hand with Marion and...Mom?

"Skylar?" she asks questioningly with tears pouring down her face.

I nod and run into her outstretched arms, crying into her shoulder. "Where have you been?"

"That doesn't matter, sweetheart. The only thing is that we're all together again...well, most of us." I can see the pain in her eyes.

I pull her closer and bury my face in her shoulder. "Okay, I'm just glad you're okay."

She sighs and places a hand on my head. "Well! It seems you've found your trouble-maker brother and his friends. Not to mention his lovely bride. But who's this handsome young man?!"

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