Chapter 40

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"Skylar, you're back!" Snow says, rushing over and pulling me into a hug. 

I smile and look around. "Where's Archer?"  

Her eyes turn sad and she glances behind her as Donovan walks in the room. The place looks better than it did two days ago. The debris from the fight that once littered the ground are nowhere to be seen. The entire room looks grand once again, but I can feel something's missing. 

"He left, Skye. He didn't say where he was going...but he said he'd 'find home.' Whatever that means." Donovan says. 

"Well, I think I do..." I say, getting a bubbly feeling in my stomach. 

"Where's that?" Snow asks, clearly confused. 

"Home." I say simply.

Beauty and I come to a stop outside the cottage. The fluttering in my stomach has gotten stronger the closer I've gotten to this place. It's his home...a place he built for us, in a sense. Of course, it's not what I expected - finding him, that is. 

To be honest, the first place I went was the place he built. The place I met him. But I guess I should have just listened to my instincts from the beginning. He wanted to go 'home' and his body took him there. Of course, he did go to the home in the woods he'd built before we met. His scent had been fresh there...but he left soon after.  

He must have followed his heart here. To a hole in a mountain. The place has changed since I was last here. It was a small little house made of not much and - if there had been any wind - would have crumbled in seconds. Now it looks grand and majestic with it's newly placed stone walls and thatched roof.  

Walking up to the door, I reach for the knob.  

At the last second I chicken out and turn to leave. The door creaks open and my heart stops, as though waiting for something. I listen to the soft breathing noises behind me. 

"Skye?" a voice asks with clear disbelief. 

I sigh and turn. "Yes?" 

"It is you...they've said your name many times but I didn't understand." he says, studying me closely. "I don't understand why I'm here. I just know I have to be. Does that make sense?" 

"It does." I say and courageously take a step toward him. 

"How's that?" he asks, and I don't miss how his body comes closer as well. 

"That's for you to know and find out." I say, stepping past him and into the house. 

He chuckles - a sound I take a moment to appreciate - and follows me, only stopping to shut the door. "And how do you suppose I do that when I don't even understand this?" 

"To be honest, it's all up to you how this turns out. You need to accept there are things you've forgotten." I say, even I can hear the sad edge to it. 

"And you know what that is." It's not a question, simply a statement of fact. 

I nod and he takes a step closer to me.  

Soon, he's right in front of me staring down into my eyes. "So beautiful." he says, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I close my eyes and revel in his nearness.  

"Skye? Why is that name so familiar?" he asks, forcing me to open my eyes. 

"You tell me." I say breathlessly. 

"Maybe I can show you." he says, sounding a little different.  

There's a new edge in his voice as he leans in closer to me. Our breath mixes in the air between us. His scent is so strong right now...I can't take it. 

"W-what's that?" I ask, my eyes drifting shut. 

"Silly Skye...I've waited so long for you." he chuckles and my eyes fly open. "I couldn't forget you for too long." 

And with that his lips crash down onto mine. I smile and lean into the kiss, lifting my hands slowly up his chest to wrap my arms around his neck. I feel a shiver run through him at the contact and my grin gets wider. He tangles his hands in my hair and pulls me closer to him - honestly, I'm not sure if there even is a 'closer' at this point. Soon we're both breathless and gasping for air, foreheads still touching. 

"I love you Skylar." he says and I pull back in shock. 

"How do you know that name?" I ask. 

"Because I know you." he says with a shrug. "Besides, I've heard the others say it a couple times." 

I chuckle and he pulls me in for another long kiss.


Yay, happy reunion! Did you see that coming? (Cause I did ;)) I'm so proud they found each other again. Who expected Archer to go to Robin's hideout? That part I didn't expect, but it sure brings everyone together! Yay!

Sadly, there is only one chapter left to the story...maybe two, depending on how I write the next one. I'm sad to see this story coming to and end. It's been an amazing journey so far and I can't wait to finish this journey with my other books.

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Always yours,


The HuntressOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara