Chapter 30

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As Donovan slowly stands back up we all hold our breath, waiting. A few moments go by and I sigh, thinking it won't work. Then the pumping of a heart slowly gets stronger and stronger, and the air coming in and out of her lungs become deeper. I watch in astonishment as Snow's eyelids flutter open.

She blinks a few times before making eye contact with Prince Donovan. Then a slow, easy smile spreads across her face. I bite my lip as she slowly sits up, looking around at the people around her. She skims over each face quickly before her eyes zero in on me. I lower my eyes to the ground for a moment before looking right into her eyes. She gasps and reaches out for someone to help her out of her resting place.

The prince quickly helps her out, pulling her into a loving hug. She returns it for a moment before looking at me curiously. Cautiously, she walks over and starts circling me. I watch her nervously for a moment and then she rushes up and pulls me into yet another hug.

Of course, I don't mind this one very much. I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes, wishing none of this had ever happened. A part of me wishes I never would have passed out at that stupid ball. That moment had started all of this. I constantly wonder what could have happened if I'd been able to dance the night away with Anthony.

Of course, I would've never met my brother and the amazing men he works with - even if it is to steal from the Sheriff and make the man look like a complete and utter fool. Well, he did deserve all we'd done to him. Also, I wouldn't have met Archer...and I could never regret that man.

"Is it really you?" Snow asks softly and I nod.

"Um...maybe we should get you out of the cold, eh? We don't want you to get sick." Doc says nervously.

We all nod in unison and follow him back to the tree. I watch my surroundings like a hawk as Snow starts to explain what all happened. How she found out that Isadora killed her father and how she threatened the queen that she would tell the kingdom. Then about the man who took her to the woods to kill her, but let her go instead. Then about finding the dwarfs' home and their bargain. If she stayed with them, she'd have to learn all they do...apparently, they'd taken their mining to a minimum and started robbing people. Somehow she'd managed to convince them that giving the money back to the poor would be better than filling their own pockets.

I smile, thinking how Robin is exactly the same as her at times. I can't believe I hadn't made the observation sooner.

She then tells us about how the men had left yesterday morning to do a job, but she'd stayed home because she wasn't feeling well. Apparently, an elderly woman had shown up with a basket of apples. Snow had eaten one and the next thing she remembers is waking up.

"It was that no good Queen, I tell you." Grumpy says heatedly as we all sit at the table.

Two of the dwarfs had taken our horses - Archer's, Donovan's, and mine's - to the stables they'd made for when they used to have visitors all the time. Apparently, once the Queen took over, no one really came out here a lot. She's even had a list of the 'undesirables' that told the people who they could and couldn't be around. Those were dwarfs, ogres, giants, basically anything that doesn't look 'normal', Snow, and...Archer, aka 'The Huntsman' as the list had put it.

Speaking of, where I he hiding?

"Who are you looking for?" Snow asks.

"Archer...has anyone seen him?" I ask.

"He followed Grimm and Grumpy to the barn to put up the horses." Grub says, picking up a chicken leg off the table.

The others roll their eyes at him as he takes a large bite. The door opens and I turn to see Grumpy, Grimm, and Archer step inside.

"You?!" Snow gasps.

I jump up and stand between them as she starts yelling at him and trying to hit him. I take one of the punches and grab for her arms. We struggle for a few minutes before she looks at me like I've suddenly sprung three heads in the last minute. Well, my hood had she might be staring at my ears.

"Why are you protecting him?" she hisses.

"Snow, you don't understand...he couldn't control his actions. He was forced to take you out here." I say, pleading her with my eyes.

"Everyone has a choice." she spits out.

I lean back shocked, I've never heard her speak this way before. She's always been so sweet and kind. I clench my teeth, blaming that horrible woman for turning my friend into this angry person.

"No! Everyone doesn't...not anymore." I say sadly.

She furrows her brows in confusion and her nose scrunches up as she start to think about what I've said. "What does that mean?" she demands.

"The queen is a horrible person, Snow. Archer followed her rules and forced you out of the kingdom...but he let you go because he's a good man. Once she found out the truth, he left and took off into the woods. But that came with a price." I stop and make sure she's taking all this in.

"What kind of price?" she asks slowly.

"After your father died, the Queen called in each person who worked in the palace to her office one by one. When each person came out, we could tell something was wrong. When I was finally called in, I got the shock of a lifetime. She'd been taking their hearts. She told me, just after taking mine, that I have to do as she says for five years before she's return it and let me go on my merry way." Archer says, stepping forward and placing an assuring hand on my shoulder. "In letting you go, I ensured my never know how to truly feel for someone again. Most don't go against her. - but I just couldn't hurt you."

Snow's eyes soften as she looks him over. I hear a sniffling sound and look over to see one of the dwarfs crying silently. I really need to learn their names. I sigh and return my focus to Snow.

"What's the plan?" she asks suddenly.

"What?!" I jump back, scared about where this determination came from.

"How do we stop her and return the hearts to their owners?" she asks, as if that's the most obvious thing.

"Well, we need to assemble an army...." Prince Donovan says slowly.

"No, not an army....just a team sneaky enough to get this done." Archer says, joining in eagerly on their plan.

"Um...i think I know someone who can help with that." the tiny, dopey looking one says, raising his hand.


Whew! Archer dodged a bullet with his honesty - good job buddy! Anyway, what kind of plan do you think the dwarf has concocted? Not even sure if I want to know...and I've already written the next chapter. Yeah, kind of a weird statement.

Anyway, comment and vote!

Always yours,


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