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I woke up feeling groggy as hell. Wow great. I was willing to do anything to just.....sleep. And sleep. And sleep. Until 1 in the afternoon. But I had to wake up before Lisa does. I rubbed at my forehead and looked at Lisa. Wow. I slept with her the whole night. I smiled excitedly. I still cant believe I hugged her. My cheeks ached from smiling so much ahhhhh I'm so happy.

I still had to apologise though.

I was dreading to do that.

Not that I didnt want to apologise, I just felt so guilty. Did she really like me? I stared at Lisa. She was sleeping soundly like a baby. She had her head buried in her fists, she looked like a cute rabbit. I smiled again lovingly. Finally, I sat on the bed and ran my finger through my hair. My head was spinning ugh god.

Since I had nothing better to do and was wide awake, I decided to wake Myra up to make breakfast. I'm such a nice person. I walked slowly to her bedroom, trying not to make a sound. You cant miss it since theres a neon "2 fab 4 U" sticker on her door. Definitely hers. I opened the door slowly and crept into her room. Myra had her duvet over her head.

How does she breathe..? I thought to myself.

I looked around the room. It was actually pretty neat, I'm surprised. She had tons of polaroid photos stuck on the wall. I stared at each and one of it admiringly. Then there's one with Lisa. I grinned again. Adorable. Myra was grumbling and rolling on the bed. I sat the edge of her bed and shook her leg slowly.

"Myraaaaaaaaaa" I sang. "Myra wake upppppppppp"

She grunted and buried deeper into her blue duvet.

"Myraaaaaa," I sang "Myra wake upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp"

"Shut the fuck up faggot," She grumbled.

"Myra," I called.

She completely ignored me.

I looked around the room to find something that i can ram down her throat. And I found abunch of glow sticks on her table.  "Bitch you better get the fuck up before I shove this....... glow stick up your ass," I threatened her, holding up the glow stick.

She still didnt budge an inch.

I sighed and slapped the back of her legs with he glow stick to show that I wasnt kidding. I will shove it up her ass if she doesnt wake up soon. Myra moaned and kicked me. I almost fell ugh that idiot.

"MYRA GET UP IM HUNGRY MAKE ME BREAKFAST, WOMAN," I yelled while jumping on the bed.

She ignored me again and pulled the pillow above her head.


"Shut the fuck up moron you'll wake Lisa up," Myra grumbled.

That got me. I stopped jumping and slowly got out of her room, determined to make breakfast myself if that useless lazy ass doesnt get up. I swore I heard her chuckle. Asshole.

I went to the kitchen. I'm quite good at making pancakes so I might just cook some. Specially for Lisa. Not for anyone else. It took me literally 15 long minutes to figure out where Myra puts the damn pans and spatula and whatever the hell you need for cooking. That lazy aass figured that it would be wonderful to put different pans in different places where no one could find. I found a spatula in the dishwasher, I found a pan in the refrigerator, god knows what it was doing there.

But Myra was pretty smart to put the pancake ingredients in the same cabinet. Except for the eggs. The eggs were in the fridge. Why am I telling you this.

Kris imagine for Lisa :)Where stories live. Discover now