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I knocked again. I didnt ring the bell, in case Lisa was sleeping. I didnt want to wake her up.

Nisa opened the door and raised her eyebrows mockingly.

"May I help you, douchebag? " Nisa asked, emphasising at the word douchebag. I cringed at that word. That is the last thing I want to be.

I guess breaking Lisa's heart made me a douchebag. Great.

"Nisa..." I started.

"Leave." Nisa snapped.

"Nisa I have to talk to you,"


"Nisa please-"

"LEAVE!!" Nisa screamed at my face. I took a step back.

Myra and Caspar came running towards the door.

"Oh," Myra let out a sigh of frustration. "You."

"He needs to leave," Nisa turned to Myra, her anger rising.

"What do you want, Kris?" Myra questioned impatiently.

"He made Lisa upset he needs to fuck off," Nisa spat.

"I dont think he came here just to break Lisa's heart again," Caspar blurted out. "This lad has something to say."

"Since when did you decide to have his back?" Nisa pointed out hastily.

"Im not backing him up, I just think that he wants to explain something. Dont you?" Caspar looked straight into my eyes.

"Yes. Yes I do. Please listen to my explanation. Please," I begged.

Caspar gave Myra a look, obviously telling her to let me in. Myra nodded and gestured me to come inside. Nisa still looked doubtful though. I cant blame her. It was my fault entirely.

Myra's house looked so cosy I might just sleep here for the night. Its just an average two storey house but it was warm and cosy. There were photos of her and her family, her friends, and Lisa. The house was spotless which made me shock because Myra is a very messy girl. I asked her if she cleans the house often and she stated shyly that she pays someone to clean it.

She told me that there were two french girls who live there as well. But they're always away. She led me to her living room and I sat on her sofa.

"I'll be back. I'm just gonna make some tea for you guys," Myra exclaimed.

"I'll help you babe," Caspar volunteered.

Glorious. I'm stuck with a girl who was giving me death stares occasionally.

I cleared my throat. "Do you... Do you want to listen first?"

"Save it," She scoffed.


After five long long long minutes, the couple entered the living room. They were gone for what seemed like, eternity. Myra was carrying some pop tarts even though it wasnt breakfast ((Myra likes pop tarts alot)) and Caspar was holding out a tray.

"Hot tea and crumpets are served," Myra bobbed a curtsy.

I laughed heartily. She surely knew how to turn a bad scene into a nice one.

"So. Kris. Shall we listen to your explanation?" Myra asked as she sat down beside Caspar.

"I'll be glad to tell you everything. In one condition though," I told Myra, my eyes swivelled across the room.

"What?" She said.

"Trust me," I responded.

Three of them nodded.

I started telling them about how nervous I was in the car, though I kept my voice low so that I dont wake Lisa up. I told them about Beau, the kissing incident in the game room, how heartbroken I was. I didnt tell them about my dad and my mental breakdown. They shouldnt know just yet. Then I explained to them about Amber. I thought Lisa didnt like me so why waste my time? I didnt even want to kiss her, she just attacked her lips onto mine. It was repulsive.

All of them listened to my story, their eyes widened. They didnt even look away, they were so absorbed in listening to my explanation. Finally, I admitted that I'm in love with Lisa. Myra's jaw dropped in surprise and excitement but she didnt scream like Elle did. She started slapping Nisa's thighs and bouncing up and down, squealing in delight. Nisa covered her hands on her mouth to stifle her scream but ended up sounding like a strangled whale.

Caspar just smiled at me. Fangirling isnt boy's stuff. I gave him a grin.

"Kris you have to apologise, Kris you have to tell her you love her!!!" Nisa squealed, still covering her mouth.

Myra just nodded in agreement. Still bouncing on the sofa.

"Do you mind if I..I go and check on Lisa?" I asked bashfully.

"When are you going to apologise?" Caspar questioned me.

"Tomorrow morning. Tonight doesnt seem like a good idea..." I pointed out.

"Ok wonderful. You can check on Lisa, i told her I was going to check on her, but since you're here, you can pretend to be me. She wont tell," Myra exclaimed.

"But dont say anything and dont sound manly. You are a creep, checking on girls sleeping," Nisa gave me a cocky smirk.

"Shut it Nisa," I snapped and playfully stuck my tongue out. Maybe I am a creep. Why did I want to check on her though.

"I..i just wanna see wether she's crying or not..but if she is I know comfort her," I spoke softly, avoiding their eyes.

There was a silent. Suddenly Myra spoke.

"Yeah okay. You're not a creep. Nisa's joking,"

"I was not," Nisa protested and Myra nudged her

"Where is she?" I bit my lower lip anxiously.

"Come," Myra offered to show me the way.

So then Myra led me to the guest room. I tensed up but she took hold of my hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. 

"Thank you," I mouthed. She smiled and hugged me lightly.

I entered the room. God it was so dark I couldnt see a thing.

"Myra?" Lisa called out. Her voice soft and trembly.

I couldnt say anything since my voice was manly so I replied with a high pitched "Mhmm". Hoping to sound like a female.

I sat on the bed, beside her and lie down. The bed sunk in as I slowly lay beside her.

"Myra, I'm still heartbroken," Lisa whispered.

My chest ache. I didnt respond. Instead, I wrapped my arms around her waist. She wasnt facing me, so she didnt know it was Kris, the guy who broke her heart.

"Have you been working out?" She questioned.

I froze. Dammit. I just buried my head into her neck. My heart was beating so fast I bet everyone in the world could hear my heartbeat. I've finally hugged her. She was warm and toasty. It felt so....right. It felt as if I was protecting her from the evil. The hug was a brother-protecting-his-little-sister-from-the-mosters hug. I felt so big and so responsible.

"I actually thought Kris might like me. Isnt that stupid," Lisa whispered into the dark.

I didnt reply. I just hugged her tightly. I like you, Lisa.

"Goodnight," She spoke softly and sighed.

I still had my arms around her, my head buried into her neck, breathing in the sweet scent of her favourite perfume. Gucci.

We stayed like that till morning.

Kris imagine for Lisa :)Where stories live. Discover now