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I led Beau to the game room. I figured that was the only place we could be alone. But we werent completely alone. There was a guy who had, I think, passed out at the corner of the room. We've decided that it would be better if we didnt disturb him at all.

We took a seat on Elle's love chair. Beau and I were facing each other.

"How did you get here?"I questioned him. I didnt expect to see him after all these years.

"Elle's cousin, Alfie told me there was a party. You know how much I loved parties. He wanted us to come since he needed a designated driver," Beau stated.

"So glad you're here man I've missed you alot. So, your life, how's your life?"

"Yeah you too baby. My life? It has been wonderful. I'm in college now. I'm having fun even though there were tons of homeworks given. And I've got myself a girlfriend !!! Isn't that so amazing? Her name is Emielia." He answered my question.

"A girlfriend huh? How lovely," I smirked. "What is she like ? Broad shoulders, messy blond hair, hot ass body? Her abs are lickable? Hery eyes are blue ? Her torso is sexy? Is she anything like that?" I asked sarcastically. Obviously describing a guy, not a girl.

Beau didnt realise that though.

"Uh, no. She's has this amazingly straight auburn hair, super long, it reaches her butt. Her body is defnitiely so hot, but its not her body that I fell in love with. It's her heart," He sighed dreamily. "Her abs.....? Oh no she doesn't have abs. Her eyes are bright green like mine and its so gorgeous. And her torso.... her torso?" Beau put a finger on his lip, wondering.

He finally realised that I was mocking him.

"LiisaaAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shrieked, throwing a cushion at my face. "I'M NOT GAY OKAY I' AM NOT!!!!!!"

"YES YOU ARE!" I protested.


I laughed so hard, he sounded like a downright female !

"I'm kidding Beau. Congratulations anyway," I congratulate him on his first ever girlfriend. She is very lucky, if I do say so myself. Beau is such a caring and sweet guy. He certainly knows how to treat girls right. I thank god that he isnt a player.

"Thanks," He scoffed.

"Beauuuuu I was just jokingggggggggg," I wailed.

"Shut up. Dont talk to me," He folded his arms and turned his back on me.

After a few seconds he breathed out heavily I could hear him going "huh". Then he turned to me. I knew he couldnt survive without talking to me.

"Lisa," Beau called out, looking at me seriously.

"Beau," I replied, doing the same.

"beeeyyYYYYOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A random guy bursted into the game room, holding up a beer can.

"Luke? Oh for god's sakes Luke are you drunk?" Beau asked , astonished.

"Nope nope not drunk," Luke , Beau's brother , giggled.Luke? Really ? I didnt recognise him , he was so drunk. He looked like a hobo, his hair sticking up in odd places.

"Luke what will mum say ? You promised us no alcohol!"

"Just a little.........just a little........."Luke whispered, his head lolling and his eyes bloodshot.  And staggered towards us. Beau quickly reacted and caught him before he could bang his head on the floor.

"Luke........" He held his brother lovingly. "Luke come on let's get you out of here, let's find Jai."

Note : Jai is Luke's twin.

Beau turned to me.

"I'll be back , Lisa. I'll just drop this boy somewhere safe and peaceful. I'm gonna find Jai as well. Dont go anywhere okay ? I'll be back in 10 minutes tops," Beau told me.

"Yes, I won't, dont worry," I gave him a trustworthy smile. "10 minutes?"

"10 minutes,"

Luke was so drunk he couldnt even stand. He kept staggering backwards and forwards. He kept grunting "Aubry.....Aubry....." Goodness knows who Aubry was. Maybe its his girlfriend.

"Come on Luke, lets get you to someplace safe,"

Beau is such a caring brother.


Where is Beau? I kept glancing anxiously at the clock. It's been 15 minutes. It's just 15 minutes.

I got up from the love seat and played some pool by myself.

20 minutes.

I sighed and tried entertaining myself by playing kinect games with Elle's wii.

30 minutes.

Beau where in the blooming heck are you? I'm a girl of my words, I'm trustworthy and will not break any promises.

34 minutes and Beau still isn't here.

39 minutes. I'm getting really impatient.

Suddenly a black figure crashed into the door and stumbled towards me.

Beau? His eyes were red , the colour of blood. His posture, the way his head lolled, the sheepish smile he had plastered on his face.

He's not drunk. He's high. So high. Do they really take weed here?

"Emielia......." He grinned foolishly. "Emielia I love you,"

"Beau? No no this isnt Emielia, its Lisa," I explained, backing away from him.

"Emieliaaaaaaaaaa............................................" Beau moaned. "Emieliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

"Beau, you're high. Come one lets get you out of here," I placed an arm around his neck and put his arm around my neck to support his weight. He was tripping and falling and definitely high.

"I love you Emielia," Beau turned to face me.

"Yes I'm pretty sure she loves you too,"

"I love you Emielia,"

"Yes yes ok,"

"Tell me you love me,"

"Emielia loves you,"

He pushed me against the wall.

And kissed me.

Kris imagine for Lisa :)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن