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I sat beside Luhan, feeling anxious as ever. I started fiddling with my fingers, thats what I do when I'm nervous. We're heading to a party at Elle's house. I'am feeling so overwrought. Yes, I'am excited for the party since Elle throws tremendous parties. But Lisa is coming. She's the most beautiful girl i've ever met. When she's around , I always feel twitchy and i dont even know why. She just has this effect on me.

"Hyung, stop," Luhan remarked and placed his hand over my fiddling fingers to make it stop.

"What, Luhan?" I asked, annoyed.

"You were jumping up and down, Big Bro," Kai retorted.

"Oh," Is all i managed to say.

I clasped my hands together and bit my lower lip. Luhan leaned in and whispered,

"Are you nervous about Lisa?"

I flashed him a surprised look.

"What do you mean," I grumbled and avoided eye contact with Luhan.

"You're feeling nervous are'nt you. You usually feel so goddamn excited to go to parties," Luhan said.

"krIS LIKES LISA KRIS LIKES LISA!!!!!!!!!!!" Chanyeol chanted childishly.

"Dont, chanyeol," I sighed heavily. "I don't have feelings for her."

"KRIS LIKES LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chanyeol shouted.

"Kris who?" "Lisa???" "Which one is she?" "I KNEW IT" "KRIS ADMITTED IT DID HE" "WHAT KRIS U DIDNT EVEN TELL ME" "Isnt Lisa D.O's grandmother?" Everyone suddenly jumped up from their seats and formed a crowd around me. It was peaceful just now, everyone was sleeping. Now they're awake oh god. Even Lay was awake! What a miracle. He's a very heavy sleeper.

I was swarmed with questions about Lisa and I. Thank you, Chanyeol. I really appreciate what you did. I was blushing awfully when Xiumin stated that Lisa actually likes me. I know I'm her bias but I dont think she likes me as a crush. She would'nt like me. I'm not her type. She's too gorgeous for me.

Before I could drown in a pool of alarmingly embarassing questions, we have arrived at Elle's house,oh god bless. The music was so loud my eardrums could bleed. For once in my life, I was feeling nauseous about going to a party. Its all because of her, Lisa. I could'nt believe my eyes when I first met her. She was very very shy and it made my heart pound. She's adorable.

We all knocked on the door and we were greeted by Elle, Lisa's bestfriend and also the host of the party. We could hear alot of screaming at her backyard. All of us hugged Elle and she invited us in.

"paRTY IN DA HOUSE YALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Kai screamed.

Everyone's head was turned and they looked confusely at Kai. Kai looked embarassed.

"um...P-Party?" Kai stuttered.

He was replied by tons of screaming saying YEAHHHHHH and the dj turning up the volume even more.

Elle could see my head twitching by the sound of the loud ass music.

"Kris, if you want some peace and quiet, the game room is all yours,"

"Thanks , Elle,"

Elle's house is humongous. It took me four turns, two shots, pushing past people, yelling twice at a guy, flicking drunk girls away from me to reach the game room.

By the time I've reached the game room, I had a splitting headache. I wanna go home. I dont want to see Lisa. Im scared. Im nervous. Im too shy.

I took two pills to ease the pain and grinned to myself. I need to get Lisa off my mind. This is my night. This is a party, what am i doing, sitting alone and anxiously thinking about the beautiful Lisa. What in the world am I doing.

Kris imagine for Lisa :)Where stories live. Discover now