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I woke up early in the morning. Wow I woke up early after an unforgettable night filled with pain. I couldnt feel those two muscular arms around me. I guess Myra went back to her room. I realised my stomach was rumbling. Ugh I forgot to eat dinner last night.

I stretched my arms and yawn. What a busy day its gonna be. We had to go to Elle's house to help her clean up the party mess. The house was silent though there was a sound of something sizzling. Myra making breakfast, probably.

After a few minutes of staring into space, which I do the second I wake up, I got out of bed and took a shower. The guest bathroom was in the room so I didnt have to go out looking like a revolting creature who just got into a fight with hyenas. I forgot to wipe off my make up and it left stains on Myra's pillows.

I sighed. I'll clean it up later. I thought to myself. In the bathroom, there were two fluffy towels on the towel rack, god bless. I took off my clothes, sighed again at the sight of me, and took a warm shower. Wasnt too long since I didnt want to miss breakfast. I didnt get my hair wet because I just washed it and second day curls are pretty cute. I just washed my body with Myra's favourite shower gel from Marks and Spencer's. Finally, I got out of the steamy shower.

Great. I didnt bring any clothes with me to change into. Then I remembered that Myra has alot of clothes in the closet.

"For the guests, to make them feel like home," Myra once said.

I opened the closet and looked at the clothes that were neatly hung. I chose an oversized sweater and some high waisted shorts. It was spring and kinda freezing. Just abit.

I let my hair down since it was being good to me for once and threw on the sweater i chose. After that I got out of the room and breathed in the wonderful smell of pancakes and strawberries. Suddenly, there was a burning smell which made my nose wrinkled. Spoilsports. I was enjoying the pancakes and strawberries scent.

Without wasting any time, I ran to the kitchen and saw the pancakes slowly turning into......

black things.

Not a pancake at all, it was left too long on the stove. I took a spatula and scooped out the burnt pancakes.

"SERIOUSLY WHO LEFT THE PANCAKES ON THE STOVE NOW MY BREAKFAST IS BURNT," I thought out loud, followed by my rumbling stomach.

"I did," A voice spoke and I turned.

I saw Kris in jeans , without any top on. How did he get here though ? Oh my god. I was so distracted by his beautifully built body. Oh god. I bit my lip and finally, abled to look at his face. He looked nervous and his hair was damp. Obviously just got out from the shower. He ran his fingers through his hair seductively.


I was still hurt , but Im not that type of girl who will get mad at her crush for kissing another girl. Im not. Instead of ignoring him, I tried to forget about it and talked to him.

"Oh," Is all I managed to say.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, I could feel his eyes checking my body.

He was so sexy.

"Um no," I replied shyly, but my stomach told him otherwise.

"You are hungry! Sit down, I'll make another batch of pancakes," He told me. He took the spatula from me and smiled. I melted like hot butter instantly.

I obediantly sat down at the kitchen table and his back was facing me. I stared at his back. It was muscly. Like I mentioned before, his shoulders were board.

I still didnt know how he got here. The best way to know is to ask him.

"Um Kris," I called.

"Yeah?" He responded, still facing his back at me, whipping eggs.

"How and when did you get here?" I questioned him.

"I'll tell you later. OH SHIT!!" Kris yelled. He was whipping the eggs vigorously that the bowl fell from the table and onto his feet.

I choked back a laugh.

"There goes the second batch of pancakes," He stated, sighing in frustration. Kris then got onto his knees and started cleaning up the mess.

"Kris, um let me cook the pancakes," I offered. He looked up at me and i wanted to cry. He was so beautiful.

"Alright. Sorry though," Kris gave me a half smile.

How sexy.

I started on the third batch of pancakes while Kris leaned on the fridge which was just beside me and observed me.

He was crossing his arms, he made me wanna die.

"What..." I raised my eyebrows.

"Nothing. You look beautiful," He replied shyly and hung his head.

I almost dropped the bowl on my feet.

"Riighhtttt," I said doubtfully.

He kissed Amber, he probably liked her, I was determined not to let him win me over.

I spooned out the pancake batch and pour it on the pan, smiling as I watched it sizzled.

Kris stared at me admiringly.

"Lissaa" He whispered seducingly.

I glanced at him. "Yeah?"

He took a few steps towards me, I struggled not to look at his muscular body. Kris wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt flames on my cheeks and my heart started beating so fast. Ohmygod.

"Kris what are you doing," I asked crossly.

"Hugging you from behind," He whispered into my neck. I could feel his cold breath against my hot neck and immediately melted.

I shook my head. "Thats not right," I whispered

"It was right last night when I hugged you," He whispered. Oh. God. Kris was the one hugging me??? Last night??? Ohmygod. Did i snore? Ohmygod. My mind was a mess. No wonder I felt muscular arms. It wasnt Myra after all.

"Im sorry," Kris breathed onto my neck, sending tingles all over my body.

Kris imagine for Lisa :)Where stories live. Discover now