Ch 33

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Medical inaccuracies Bx I'm no dr &' I've never had a baby.

It was hot, humid and gross and Kellin has been grumpy. The heat was making Kellin irritable to the point that Vic sometimes doesn't want to be around him when he gets like that. His mood swings put Vic in a bad mood and they end up fighting. Its only been a few weeks that this has been happening but to Vic, it feels like it's been long time.

Today is one of those days.

Kellin was fine at first, joking and laughing but then, out of nowhere, he caught an attitude.

"Babe," Vic groaned. "Chill out."

"Chill out?" Kellin exclaimed. "I'm fucking pregnant! I cant just chill out! I barely see you anymore since you're working all the time!" Kellin shouted.

"Well duh, I'm working! You can't exactly work in your condition."

"My condition? And what exactly is my condition?" Kellin was fuming.

"You're fucking pregnant!" Vic shouted. "You're about to give birth for fucksake! Then after that, you're gonna need to rest because they'll have to cut you open to get the baby out!" Kellin stayed quiet because he knew Vic was right. His eyes started watering and Vic sighed. "Babe, I know you're uncomfortable but soon our baby will be here and you won't feel so irritated with me ok?"

"Ok. I'm sorry."

"No baby; don't feel bad. Its excusable." Vic said, sitting next to Kellin. "Are you excited though? We're so close to your due date."

"I'm kinda scared to be honest." Kellin whispered. "What if I'm terrible at this whole parenting thing?"

"I doubt it. After everything you went through, I know you'll make good choices for our child and if I think you're either too lenient or too tough, I'll tell bring it to your attention. We'll balance each other out."

"Ok." Kellin said happily. "We still need to think of name."

"Well, he's gonna be half American, half Mexican. He already has my last name so he should have an American first name. that why he can half and half."

"He's not some liquid you dump into coffee babe."

"You know what I mean, dork."

"Yes." Kellin giggled. "I do and I think that's a smart idea. Geez, our poor baby will have two weird parents."

"Hey but being weird is a good thing so shush and kiss me."

"The level off rude." Kellin mumbled before placing a kiss on Vic's lips. When he went to pull away, Vic followed him, making Kellin giggle. "Babe, stop."

"Can't help it; you're really kinda hot."

"Shut up, you're lying." One look at Vic's face and Kellin lowered his head. "Fine I'm hot."


"Asshat." Kellin mumbled. "Wanna get me pickles and chocolate ice cream?"


"Blame your child."

"Hey, my kid is not blame here. You're just weird."

"You're left nut is weird."

"I thought you liked my nuts." Vic said with smirk.

"I will cut off your dick." Kellin giggled. "Just get me it please?"

"Fine, I'll go."

When Vic came back, Kellin happily ate his treat with a smile on his face.


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