Ch 31

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Kellin sat there, stunned.

Katherine was related to him. She was his aunt! He felt a mixture of emotions. It was kind of overwhelming actually.

And she knew so much! Oh god, Kellin thought.

"Kells?" Vic said quietly. "Are you ok?"

"When did you find out?" Kellin asked.

"I found out yesterday." Vic replied. "This is just as shocking for me as it is for you. It still feels surreal to be honest."

"I-I thought I was ready." Vic gave Kellin a questioning look. "Vic, I'm not ready to meet my mom I think. What if she's not what I expected? What if she tells me things I don't want to hear? What if she doesn't accept the baby or me?"

"Kellin," Vic said calmly. "She's already seen you. She knows about the baby and though she's surprised, I think she's happy."

"Is there anything else I should know before I meet her?" Kellin asked after sighing.

"Yeah." Vic replied. He stayed quiet for a few moments before speaking again. "You aren't an only child."

Kellin stared at him with a blank expression before smiling &' shaking his head. "Vic, I'm serious."

"Me too. You have two older brothers &' a younger sister."

"That's, no that can't be. I don't remember growing up with them. I should be able to remember them."

"I don't know what to tell you babe. Sorry."

"It's fine I guess." Kellin sighed. "Can you call Katherine in here? I'm ready to leave." Vic got up silently and went to get Katherine.

Kellin sighed a bit and rubbed his big belly. He'd be meeting his birth mother after twelve years of being separated and he's scared about it. Then you have his apparent siblings that he would need to meet sooner or later. It was a bit too much and a bit too soon.

"Babe? You ok?" Vic said after trying to get Kellin's attention for five minutes. Kellin blinked up at him and blushed a bit.


"Are you ready to get ready?" Katherine asked with a small smile.

"Yeah." Kellin replied as he began to sit up. It was hard to do anything now. With his dad, or step-father, he struggled to keep the house clean because his stomach got in the way so much. "I need help." Kellin mumbled with a light blush covering his cheeks. Vic helped Kellin sip up, then gave him some water. "Thanks." He mumbled.

"So since you've gotten bigger," Katherine started. "I quickly went to buy some cloths for you that way you don't feel uncomfortable. I figured jeans would be a bit uncomfortable so I bought you sweatpants and there's a shirt in there too." She said, handing Kellin a plastic bag. "When you're ready, just come out and we can leave." With that, Katherine walked out of the room again.

Kellin got dressed, asking Vic to help him put on his sweatpants with a light blush on his cheeks again, they walked out the room. The ride home was quite a one. Kellin was nervous about meeting his birth mother for the first time in twelve years. Vic sat next to him, rubbing his knuckles gently. The ride seemed to take forever but at the same time it was too quick. Vic helped Kellin out the car receiving a small thank you.

"Are you ready?" Vic asked him.

"No." Kellin replied. "But there's not turning back now." They walked up to the porch where Katherine waited for them patiently. She opened that door and they walked inside.

"She's waiting in the dining room. " Katherine told him. "You can go to your room without seeing each other and you can come down when you're ready."

The two boys walked upstairs and into Kellin's room, sitting on the side of his bed.

"Are you ok?" Vic asked. "Like truly ok?"

"I'm ok in the sense that I don't feel scared about .... him lurking around every corner and I can breathe with ease." Kellin said, pausing.


"But the damage he did to me; I don't know if I can ever get over that alone."

"Hey, it'll be ok." Vic said as he stood up. He pulled the desk chair and sat in front of him. "Give me your hands." Kellin gave him his hands to hold. "You are not alone. You will never be alone again. You have me here, standing by your side to help you get through this. I know you'll have moments when you're gonna break down but I will be here to help you overcome it. I ... I love you Kellin. I love you so fucking much. You're important to me an I'd do anything to help you get better. Please just let me be there for you ok?" Vic wiped the single tear that ran down Kellin's face. "Will you let be there for you, in anyway you need me?"

"Please." Kellin said. He was grateful for having Vic in his life right now. "I honestly don't know what I'd do with out you. You've been a big help Vic. I love you too, by the way." He added with a smile. "I'm going to shower and then I'll be ready to meet her, I think. Can you tell them?"

"Yeah, if you need me, just scream my name." he said with a wink.

"You're an idiot and I'm done with you." Kellin said with a smile. "Get out."

Vic laughed as he walked out the room. When he made it down to the dining room he walked in with a smile on his face. "Kellin is gonna shower then come down." He walked back up the stairs and patiently waited on Kellin's bed. Thirty minutes later, the bathroom door opened and out walked Kellin in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "Hey, they're waiting for you downstairs so whenever you're ready, we can go."

Kellin sighed. This is it. he's been dreaming of this day for a while but now that the day has come, he finds himself wanting not to face his biological mother. "I, I don't know if I can do this." Kellin whispered. "What if she's disappointed with the way I turned out?"

"Babe, breathe." Vic said calmly. "Everything will be fine and if you feel overwhelmed at any point, you can just squeeze my hand and we can come back up here."

Kellin nodded and stood up. Vic followed him and they walked down the stairs, pausing in the living room. "I don't think I can do this." Kellin whispered.

"Kellin," Vic sighed. He stood in front of the younger boy, holding his face in between his hands and watching as his eyes filled in worry. "You've been wanting this for a while. Think how happy you'll be once you see her. Once you both form a relationship, you look back and laugh at how scared you were."

Kellin let out a small laugh. "You're right. I can do this."

"That's what I want hear. After you."

Kellin took a deep breath and with his head held high, he took hold of Vic's hand and walked into the dining room. Both women sitting there turned around and Kellin gasped in surprise.



Yes. because this was the hardest chapter I think I've ever written and I wanted to do them meeting as a whole new chapter. so you can expect ch 32 to be that and everything else.

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