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It upset Vic to the say the least. He didn't expect for this to be the outcome, honestly. He sat on the edge of Kellin's hospital bed while he slept and his parents signed him out. With no one to claim Kellin as their own, he'd have to go to an orphanage. It was close enough that he didn't have to switch schools but it was in the opposite direction from their normal walking route.

When they had told Kellin, he began laughing uncontrollably, but then out of nowhere he began crying hysterically. He claimed that they just wanted to get rid of him because he was worthless but after reassurance from Vic and his family, he accepted it. Kellin wasn't happy but he accepted it.

Their first original plan was to send Kellin off to a mental health facility but then Vic voiced the idea that Kellin would feel unwanted and alone, potentially making it worse. In all honesty, he just didn't want Kellin to leave. It scared Vic how much he felt like he needed Kellin around now.

He looked over at Kellin and smiled softly. His little snores were adorable. He didn't want Kellin to live in an orphanage but it wasn't like his parents were going to take him under their wing. Don't get it wrong, they loved Kellin like a son and it hurt them more seeing him the way he is but it may not be financially good for them. A knock on the door caused Vic to look away from Kellin. His parents stood there with a lady behind them. She had light brown hair and turquoise eyes like Kellin.

"Mijo, this is Katherine. She's going to be Kellin's social worker." His dad said. "Is Kellin awake?" Vic shook his head no. "Well, wake him up, yeah? This is important."

Vic lightly shook Kellin, softly smiling as he grumbled and attempted to push him off the bed with little luck. "Kells, wake up."

"No. lemme sleep."

"No, get up. 'S important."

"If it's not sleep then it's not important."



"Don't make me."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Wanna bet?"

"I'm up, I'm up!" Kellin shouted. Vic smiled triumphantly as Kellin glared at him. "Ass." He mumbled under his breath.

"Kellin," Mr. Fuentes began. "This is Katherine and she'll be your social worker."

He scrunched up his face in confusion. He's heard that name somewhere but doesn't recall where. Maybe he was just getting confused with one of the sluts his dad used to bring home. His face then held no expression and he only blinked at them.

"Vic, let's go to give them privacy." Mrs. Fuentes said. Hearing that, Kellin took Vic's hand in his and shook his head.

"Stay?" he whispered.

"I don't think I can love."

"Please?" he pouted cutely.

"I'll be right outside, how about that? So if you feel uncomfortable, you can call me." With a rejected sigh, Kellin let go of Vic and watched him and his parents walk out the door. The social worker stood there, just staring at him. He began feeling needles in his arms and he felt like he was drowning.

"Kellin, relax. Nothing is going to happen to you. Please, relax." He saw her walk towards him slowly, gently touching his hand, rubbing the back of it with her thumb. He smiled a bit. The memory of his mother came because she too, used to do that to calm him down. Before his dad, who isn't his dad stole him away. "Now, I want to get to know you. I want you to trust me ok? It may take some time but we'll go at your pace. Hopefully at the end, we'll have established a good relationship. So would you like to start with the basics?"

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