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Vic sat there, alone in Kellin's room. He felt so guilty. It was his fault Kellin was here. He'd been so terrible towards the boy. Mike had explained that the only reason Kellin pushed him away was because he was scared. He was scared of losing the first person that's been ever been good to him. When he found out he was pregnant, he was scared of telling Vic because he thought that the boy would think he's trying to tie him down.

The heart monitor began going faster, causing Vic to look up. He saw Kellin moving then, he heard the chant of 'my baby'. "Kellin, calm down. Please." Vic hit the nurse button and continued to try to calm the boy down.


"Yeah, it's me."

"What happened what to my baby?"

"Just relax and breathe with me Kellin. Follow my breathing." Vic inhaled and exhaled, with Kellin following his lead. Just then, a nurse walked in.

"Is he good?"

"Yeah, I just calmed him down. But they said to hit the button when he wakes up."

"Well Mr. Quinn, you seem to be ok. Your vitals are good. I'm going to take off the I.V. so this may hurt a bit." The nurse carefully pulled out the needle while Vic texted his mom and brother that Kellin was awake. "There we go. Have you told him or ..."

"I was about to."

"Ok, then I'll leave you to it. Hit the button when you need me or for an emergency." And she walked out.

"Is my baby ...?"

"No, our baby is fine." Vic said with faint smile.

"I thought you wanted me to get rid of it."

"I'm sorry for what I said back in my room. I'm just scared. I don't want to be a bad dad ya'know? I don't want to disappoint the baby or you."


"Yeah, I'm kind of glad I get to have a baby with you." The comment made Kellin blush.

"You know, we both acted like fools. I'm sorry for walking out."

"Hey, it's fine."

"Did I at least enjoy it?" Kellin asked with a harder blush covering his face.

"Why don't you ask Himes?"

"Oh god." Kellin groaned.

"Yeah, you said that except it was high pitched."


"And that."

"I hate you."

"Aw, come on, don't be like that." Kellin crossed his arms and turned his head away from Vic. "Kellin." Vic whined. "I was joking." Kellin felt the bed move, as if someone came to sit on it. "I really am sorry though Kells. I should've been more understanding. I want things to go back to the way they were."

"But they never will." Kellin replied as he leaned onto Vic side. He took the arm closest to him, the right, and placed it behind his back so Vic could hold him while he played the fingers on the left hand. "We're having a baby and you're with Alex."

"I'm not with anyone."

"Victor, I've seen you guys make out. Shit, I even walked in on you guys making out." Kellin said with a sniffle.

"Wanna know a secret?" Kellin nodded his head eagerly. "Every time I was with Alex, I thought of you."

"Can you tell me the truth?" it was Vic's turn to nod. He knew what Kellin was talking about.

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