Ch 21

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Special update Bx I got the job !! Working at an arts &' crafts store should be fun right ?

It was awkward the next day when Kellin got back home from school. Katherine was sitting there; saying a stiff hi to Kellin who gave a thumb up in response. During the rest of the afternoon, Kellin would go downstairs and enter the kitchen, looking for something healthy to eat and even with the fridge stocked up to the point where things fell out, he couldn't find anything.

In this particular trip, as he walked down the stairs, he heard someone knocking on the door. He ignored it, walking past it even, and went to look again. As he looked, he sat on the floor, and Katherine opened the door.

He heard her gasp, so he became instantly quiet. "What are you doing here?" he heard her whisper-yell. The person at the door must've answered because then she said, "It's too soon for that." There was another pause. "He isn't ready for that!" she practically shouted, and then quietly once again, she said, "It'll cause him too much stress and we don't need him relapsing back into old habits. He's progressed too much to fall back now." He. Who is he and why is he being talked about? "Look, he doesn't know about you ok? And ... he's ... so yes, this is bad timing." Kellin decided it was time to go back to his room so he got up and closed the fridge. "That was nobody." Katherine quickly said after the fridge door slammed shut. Kellin walked towards her and when he got to the door, he stopped.

"Katherine," he saw her body stiffen. "Who is she?" there was a woman at the door. She about Kellin's height, she had blonde hair with icy blue eyes like his. Said woman's eyes went wide upon seeing Kellin and she brought a hand to her mouth.

"She's my client Kellin." Kellin looked at Katherine oddly before looking back at the woman. Her eyes began to water and soon enough tears spilled over the edge. Katherine gently banged her head against the door and sigh in irritation. "Come in, please."

The woman shook her head as she said, "I-I ..."

"Kellin, be a doll and put water for coffee." Kellin did as he was told and heard them come in. when he turned around, he saw the woman staring at his baby bump. Self-consciously, Kellin wrapped his arms around it and bowed his head. "You can go over to Vic's for a bit, until I at least finish talking with her." Kellin nodded and left the kitchen.


"Mike, no, we've already talked about this. She isn't his mom!" Vic said irately. "I'm not telling him!"

"Then why did the nurse call her Miss Quinn? Quinn, Vic, Quinn! Kellin's last name is Quinn! There's a fucking connection!"

"Maybe she messed up."

"Then why she didn't correct her?"

"I don't know Mike but you're wrong."

"Well if you don't tell him I will." Mike said as he glared at his brother.

"No you will not!" Vic yelled as he stood up from his bed.

"Why shouldn't I? He has a right to know." Mike responded rather calmly.

"Do you realize what he feels towards his mother Mike? He fucking hates her." Vic said as tears began to collect in his eyes. "Kellin doesn't hate that monster of a stepfather for all the shit he's done but he hates his mother." Vic began crying. "You don't know what it's like for Kellin. No matter what people said about him being kidnapped by that monster, he believes and always will believe that she abandoned him. I've had to hold him while he cries in the middle of the night because he thinks his mother never loved him. Mike, if he knew she was there, living with him, who knows how he'd react. If he reacts badly, think of the harm it could cause peanut."

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