Ch 28

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Things happen

"Hello?" Alex answered nervously.

"Where are you?"


"Meet where we met the other day. We have to talk." He said seriously. "I'll be there in twenty and I expect you there when I get there." With that, he hung up and Alex was left terrified.

"It's ok, we'll be hiding. You just need to take us to the location."

"I can't." Alex said. "He's going to kill me."

"There are lives in danger and this may let the judge cut back on the years you'll be in jail."

"Are you sure he won't hurt me?" Alex asked.

"No, but we'll give you a bulletproof vest and we're going to have to wire you up so we can hopefully use it against him when we catch him." Alex sighed as he nodded in agreement. "Great. Now tell us where to go."

Once Alex and the police were ready, they left. Alex was placed in the back of the patrol car that belonged to Vic's dad. Ten minutes into the drive, the phone Alex had rang again. He looked down and swallowed hard.

"It's him," he whispered. "What do I do?"

"Start recording and answer." Victor replied.

When the tape started recording, Alex answered. "Hello?" he said as he put it on speaker.

"Where the fucksake are you?" he shouted. "I thought I told you to get here before I did and you're not!"

"I'm on my way." Alex replied. "I don't exactly live close to the docks ok?"

"Don't get smart with me because you've already fucked up big time!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know it was you who snitched to the police about Me." he seethed on the other side of the phone.

"No it wasn't. Maybe it was Vic." Alex looked up and saw Victor staring at him through the rear view mirror with his eyebrow raised. He held up his pointer finger.

"Who's Vic?"

"Kellin's boyfriend. I heard him mention to someone that he told the cops it was you who took that annoying pest."

"When I get my hands on that boy, he's going to wish he were dead." He growled. "How far are you?"

"I'm pulling in. I'm gonna park at the gate so I'll walk to you that way no one will know."

"Smart boy. And here I was planning to kill you for being a rat." He said with a dark chuckle.

"Do you have Kellin with you?"


"I want to punch him a bit. Let him feel the pain he caused me."

"You can belittle him but no touching my merchandise. Now hurry up." The line went died.

"Keep it recording and go. I'll be behind you." Victor said as they walked out the car. Three other police cars pulled up, one of them containing Vic. There were other cops and SWAT team personnel waiting outside the docking yard and a few helicopters flying above but not too close.

Alex walked towards his destination, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves. Once he got there, he saw Kellin's step dad standing in front of the black van. He walked closer, reciting a prayer his mom had said before they left the house.

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