Ch 4

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“Hey, are you alright? You’re walking funny.” Vic said first thing in the morning.

“Yeah, just, ya’know sore.” Kellin mumbled.

“Sore? Why?”

“I was rearranging my room yesterday.” He lied. It felt bad to lie but the truth will kill him. Literally.

“You should’ve called me to help you.”

“Don’t have your number.”

“What?! And you let that slide? Here, gimmie your phone.” Kellin handed over his phone and he could
here Vic murmur under his breath about being so stupid and not getting each other’s phone numbers. “There, now you can text me whenever.” Before he could even get his phone back, it was taken out of his reach. “Wait, first let me follow myself from your things.” So as they walked to first period, Vic was spamming himself, following himself and then looking through Kellin’s pages. Then, there was gasp. Vic was snooping through his phone. He saw the notes and pictures.

Kellin froze. Quickly taking out his phone away, he locked it and ran (waddled). Vic tried to keep up with him but lost him when the bell rung because everyone started moving. Vic walked to class, telling the teacher he didn’t see Kellin when she asked. He sat there, letting the four-word sentence run through his head.

He hid in the library. The librarian didn’t care if he had a pass or not. In the darkest corner, he sat, because there was no way he could’ve been stupider then earlier. He unlocked his phone and it opened to his notes. Vic saw. He fucking saw and he’s going to tell everybody. Kellin rested his head against his knees and cried.

Fag. Pussy. Cunt. Fat ass. Whore. Slut. Trash. Whale. Emo. Piece of shit.

He shook his head, gripping his dyed black hair tightly. This wasn’t happening. He left dammit! They’re not supposed to be here! They closed in on him. Kicking the ten-year-old boy until he couldn’t move. They picked on him for five years. Five fucking years of bullying, suffering.

His breathing became ragged, his chest heaving up and down in an unnatural manner. Black spots littered his eyesight. He felt lightheaded. The last thing he thought was about the note Vic has seen.

I want to die.


Waking up with a groan, he saw bright lights causing him to quickly shut his eyes. His body felt heavy, like he was being weighed down by cement blocks. There was a foul smell under his nose, causing him to gag a bit. He slowly open his eyes, he saw white walls and a cream curtain. On the other side of the curtain, he could hear voices.

“-ease sir. You must take him to the doctors to get checked.” A female pleaded.

“For what? So they could take my money.” that voice caused chills to run down his spine. “He’s fucking fine. Now where do I sign so I can take his ugly ass home?”

“Sir I plead you not to talk like that about your son.”

“You don’t know shit, bitch.” His father said with a grunt. “That retard better be up.” The curtain was moved and his father glared at him hard. “Get the fuck up, we’re leaving.” When Kellin tried to get up, someone held his hand back, causing him to fall back down. He looked to his right and saw Vic sitting there. “Listen you fag, let him go. We need to leave.”

“No.” Vic replied coldly.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I said no.”

“You’re not my child but I wouldn’t mind whipping you into shape.” The nurse quickly ran in between Kellin’s father and Vic.

“Sir, leave. The pri-.” Kellin’s dad pushed her aside, making her fall. She looked up in fear, crawling behind the counter. As he walked closer, Kellin began to worry about Vic’s safety.

“Vic, let me go.” He only received a confused look. “Please, let me go. I’ll be fine. I promise.” And he did. “Come on dad, let’s go. He’s not holding me back see. I’m free to leave with you.” Kellin said as he walked towards his dad, hands in the air as if he was surrendering. They both walked out the building, Kellin shaking and his dad angry.

“I expect you home by the time I get there.” His father growled. He hopped into an old car and drove in the opposite direction from where they lived. Kellin walked to his house quickly. When he got there, his dad was already pulling up. “Naked, hands and knees in your room.”


When he saw Kellin laying on the floor unconscious, he thought that for a moment, he had killed himself. He quickly scooped him up with ease, the fear letting him carry the boy like he weighed nothing. The librarian saw them with a shocked expression, opening the door for them. He walked briskly to clinic and placed him on one of the cots.

“What happened?”

“I found him passed out in the back of the library.”

“Ok, are you going to stay here with him or are you going to go to class?”

“I’ll stay; we have the same class next.” The nurse simply nodded before checking for a pulse. When she found one, she sighed in relief. “Is he gonna be ok?”

“He’ll be just fine, simply wave these smelling salts under his nose and he should wake up.”

A few minutes later, there was a slam of a door opening, banging against the wall. “Where is that idiot? Does he not know that I’m working? Stupid piece of shit.”

“Are you his father?”

“Yes, now what the fuck was so important that I left? I need to work.”

“Your son suffered from a panic attack.”

“Your point?”

“Sir, you need to take him to get medicine.”

“I already took his dumb ass to the doctor. Now where is he?”

Vic heard a groan. He looked at Kellin and saw that he was waking up, and then removed the smelling salts after he gagged a bit. There was fighting between the man and the nurse and suddenly, the curtain opened. There stood a man, a scary looking man. He began yelling at Kellin, and as he tried to leave, Vic held him back. He wasn’t going to let him go.

Quickly though, the man got mad and threatened to beat Vic. His insides shook with fear but he wasn’t willing to prove that he was scared. But when Kellin promised him he’d be ok, he let go. He saw how he walked away in fear.

So when they left, Vic sat there, stunned. The principle ran in there to find the nurse crying under the desk and Vic staring off into space. Three security guards and a school police officer came rushing in.

“What happened?” the principle asked desperately. “Where is he?”

“He left, took off him.” The nurse replied shakily.

“Vic, what happened?” Vic didn’t reply; he just sat there.

“He’s in shock. Let him calm down a bit.” They began talking, the adults.

Then, it occurred to Vic that Kellin broke his promise before he could ever complete it. He can’t promise to be fine. No one can promise that they’ll be fine. He’s probably getting hurt right now. All because he let go. And the way he walked and talked to his dad. Like he was trying to calm down a crazy person. Maybe his dad was crazy.

But he pushed those thoughts aside. He felt guilty. Why’d he let go? Kellin could be with him right now, sitting next to him. It’s his fault he’s probably getting hurt. He should’ve let him go the first time but he felt bad for doing it. It’d be an internal conflict that would bug Vic until he can make sure for himself that Kellin was fine.

When he stood up, the adults stopped talking and stared at him. He walked out the clinic, hearing them call after him, and walked out the school. He had no idea where he was headed but he knew he couldn’t stay in school any longer.

Watching Rugrats and I'm having childhood memories ^.^

Sorry if this is a bit boring btw

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