Ch 19

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As Kellin walked through the school hallways, people were staring at him. Some pointed, some giggled, some looked at him with pity in their eyes and others just creepily started at him. He didn't have food in teeth because it was still morning and first period didn't even start yet, and he looked at his face before leaving home so he knew it couldn't be his face. The student body at Clairemont high is a weird bunch.

Once Kellin reached his locker, he began stuffing things and putting things in various locations and the moment he was done, seconds after removing his hand, his locker slammed shut with an upset looking Alan.

"Hi?" Kellin said slowly.

"I thought it was secret."

"What's a secret?"

"Peanut." Alan whispered.

"That is a secret. What are you talking about?" Kellin whispered back.

"Everyone knows." Kellin just gave him a confused look. "Everyone knows."

"Oh. Oh! Oh!" Kellin exclaimed as realization showed on his face.

"Yeah, oh. And now everyone is spreading rumors."

"What kind?"

"That it's your stepdads." Alan said quietly. "They know about, ya'know because it was on the news, and then they started 'adding' things up." Kellin remained quiet.

"What are you going to do?"



"There's nothing I can do. If anything I've learned, is to just let things run its course. Everything will get better in the end."

"Well, I'll be right by your side through this." Kellin hugged Alan as a form of saying thank you.

"Hey, look, it's the weird faggot." A group of freshmen said with smirks on their faces.

"Hey, look, it's a group of virgin boys." Alan remarked sassily.

"We're not virgins." The leader, Kellin assumed, replied.

"Yeah then do tell what part of the vagina gives the female the most pleasure." They stood there quietly. "That's what I thought. I bet you can't even tell me where it is. Now, if you don't mind, I'm trying to have a gay filled conversation about dicking assholes." With that, the group left.

"Thanks." Kellin said with a smile.

"Hey, I told you, I'm right by your side. Where's Vic though? You guys are glued to the hip."

"Doctors appointment. But don't tell him anything ok?"

"He's bound to hear it though."

"I know and I'll deal with that later."

"Whatever you say." Alan said with a sigh


To Mike -_- : hey, have you seen Kellin ? I tried calling him but it goes straight to voicemail.

From Mike -_- : yeah, I've seen him with Alan and Austin and he looks upset.

To Mike -_- : why ?

From Mike -_- : there's rumors going around that he's pregnant with his stepdads baby. Someone told.

To Mike -_- : who ?

From Mike -_- : don't know. I gotta go though. Ttyl.


To Alex : Who told you ?

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