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The flyers were everywhere asking if anyone had seen Kellin. Vic's dad was able to get the Kellin's phone records but he wasn't able to share the information anymore because they may have found a lead. It's been three weeks since Kellin disappeared and Vic is a mess.

The night of the party was the last night he left his room. When he woke up and saw Alex naked next to him, the guilt was unbearable. He had slept with someone that wasn't Kellin.

He didn't eat and his stomach rejected whatever he did eat. He was losing weight rapidly and he skin was becoming an unhealthy pale color. The only time anyone saw him was school but even then, he would skip classes and lunch periods. It was the last week anyways so he could care less about the grades anyways. Everyone was worried because no one had a clue how to help.

The nights that had been hell for everyone under the roof. Vic's parents would wake up to screams coming from Vic's room. When they'd go check, he'd be bent in fetal position on the floor, clutching his chest. It felt like his heart was tearing itself apart.

Every single day felt like a struggle. It was hard to take a breath when Vic felt so trapped. Who ever said that people couldn't die from a heartache lied. Vic felt like he was dying every day and some nights he wished he could. The only thing that kept Vic from drinking the bleach was the hope that one day Kellin would be found.

As for Katherine, well things were getting bad. She kept beating herself up for this. She has a good idea about who did this and she should've done more to get that person locked up when she had the chance. If she'd done her job right, none of this would've been happening.


"Here sir." Kellin said quietly as he hand him the soup.

"Thank you Kellin." He replied, looking at the boy up and down.

Kellin was forced to walk around the small, old house naked as part of the deal. He felt so exposed and dirty. When he'd clean, he'd feel his eyes on him but Kellin would try to ignore it. It was getting harder though, pretending that everything was ok. At nights when he'd creep into Kellin's room and touch him, whether it was by penetrating or simply touching, Kellin would cry but hold in his screams.

"Sir," Kellin began. "I'm about to hit my eighth month mark and I need to go to the hospital to make sure the baby is ok."

"It's our baby Kellin." Kellin simply nodded. "I have a friend who studied to be a doctor. I'll give him a ring and see if he can stop by. Now go finish cleaning." Kellin retreated to the kitchen to clean up the mess. "Bring me a beer!" he shouted. While Kellin walked towards him, the news was playing on the television.

"Good evening, I'm Kimmy Flinders and this is the eight o'clock news. New information on the missing boy, Kellin Quinn, may have led to a suspect and all thanks to a secret informant. It seems that the abductor, in a haste to cover his tracks, may have forgotten to cover his electronic footprints. Here we go live with the chief of police Gilberto Mendez."

"Today, due to an informant in the case of the missing seventeen year old Kellin Quinn, we have found multiple messages from the same number to Mister Quinn. We are not able to talk about what these messages contain but they alone are enough to place out suspect behind bars. We are giving out a hundred thousand dollar reward to anyone who can lead us to our suspect." On the screen was a picture of the man. It was an exact replica. "We will now take questions."

"Excuse me sir, why so much money?" a news reporter asked.

"Mister Quinn is about to be eight months pregnant and we need both him and the fetus alive. Like any case, this has to be thoughtfully planned out so the wellbeing of those human lives is important."

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