Chapter 14: "I Am Here"

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It's been an extremely long day.

Zane and I haven't even talked within the past week, and I was beginning to get worried.

I told him I needed to work, some things I had to do during my months off were due, so I was cramming it all last minute to get my next paycheck and use it at the island.

But he's left me alone for a while, and I've finally finished my job. I received the check, cashed it in at the local bank, and decided to surprise Zane with a dinner I had planned to take him on after I had done my work.

I knocked on Aph's door, to be greeted by none other than Katelyn. She offered a small grin, allowing me inside the house.

"Where's Zane?"

I asked, wanting to see him after a week of barely any contact.

"He's in his room crying or something."

Katelyn replied nonchalantly, cracking open a soda can and guzzling it down.

"Crying?! Why?"
"He saw Gene."

I froze.

"Heck if I know. He said it was to get over some past things. He's here for the week. Gene tried to apologize to Zane, but Zane ran away before he could get the words out."
"Of course Zane ran away! He's terrified of Gene. He hates him for what he did to me back in ninth grade."

I huffed, trudging up the stairs quickly, and opening Zane's door.

"Go away. I'm fine."

I heard a shout, sighing audibly. I glanced around for a moment, my eyes finally landing on a tuft in his bedspread. I uncovered a shaking boy who had looked like he'd seen a ghost.


I mumbled, rubbing his back and turning him towards me. A full blown tackle ensued, and I allowed him to wrap himself around me and sob into my shoulder.

"Zane it's alright."

I tried to explain, but he couldn't stop. He looked like he hadn't slept in years. His strength as I tried to release his grip could marvel, well, Marvel.

"Zane. Open your eyes. It's me."

I said firmly, pushing his face in front of mine, pressing my forehead against his.

"You're not fine."

My eyes followed the trail of tears that dripped down his neck and onto the floor beneath us. I sat on the ground, him on my lap. His breathing heavy, his entire body covered in sweat.

"Talk to me."

I wanted to know more. I knew he was hurt by this, and I knew he hated Gene, but I had no idea it was this bad.

I recall a moment before we even dated, in freshman year....

"Hey! Gene's over there. I know you wanted to join his group. Maybe I can get him to-"
"Never. I never want to see him again."
"What? Why?"
"Not after what he did to you."
"Hey- let's not hold grudges.."
"You're just lucky he hasn't done anything to you."

Zane huffed, leaving to his next class without another word.

Back then, I had no idea how much I had affected him, how that situation affected him. I wanted to be the person he could come to.

I was there...

I blinked, remembering another point..

When I fell in love.

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