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Niall woke up to Harry's soft snores early the next morning. He bit his lip to contain a giggle that he could feel building up in his throat. Harry was just the most adorable human being in the whole entire world.

He watched Harry sleep. He liked the way that the older boy always kept his pretty lips parted when he slept. Niall liked lots of things about Harry. He ran his hands softly through Harry's curls, smiling when he heard him hum in response.

Niall was still a little mad at Harry, but that didn't mean that he didn't love him anymore. Liam was right about that. Niall was very much so still in love with his Harry.

"Niall, love, quit staring." Harry mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. Niall giggled.

"I can't help it. You're too cute."

Harry scoffed, opening his bright green eyes slowly and blinking them at Niall.

"What?" Niall laughed.

"You're here." Harry replied. He rubbed his eyes and held them closed for a few seconds before forcing them open again.

"Am I dreaming?" He asked quickly.

"Nope." Niall grinned. A smile spread all the way across Harry's face, lighting up every single one of his features one by one until he could feel the light spreading through his whole body as well. All of the memories from the night before came back to him and suddenly, he couldn't fight the urge to slam his lips into an unexpecting Niall's.

Niall squeaked, forcing his lips to keep up. Harry's mouth was wet and warm and so needy for Niall's that it forced a blush over the Irish lad's cheeks. He wrapped his fingers in Harry's curls, pulling lightly. Harry let out a small grown against him and pulled Niall on top of himself.

"H-Harry." Niall whimpered. His stomach was getting tingly as were other things. He was so confused as to what was going on.

"Niall I love you." Harry said, pulling their chests flush together.

"I love you too." Niall replied. Harry's hand were comforting, rubbing up and down Niall's back as their kiss went from just that to a full on makeout session.

Niall was starting to sweat under the blankets and layers of clothes, so he decided to pull down the pajama bottoms he was wearing leaving him in just a tight pair of briefs.

"Ni-baby- whoa-" Harry could hardly get a sentence out before Niall was practically naked laying on top of him.

The smaller boy pulled on Harry's shirt, trying to convince him to take his clothes off as well. He wasn't trying to be too naughty, he was just sweaty and Harry's clothes were more heat.

"B-baby we can't." Harry moaned, biting on Niall's bottom lip softly. Niall moaned, and suddenly Harry couldn't remember what it was that they couldn't do. He pulled his shirt off quickly, his pants following behind and finally they were both naked save for underwear.

Niall pulled away, looking into Harry's eyes. His pupils were wide with lust and his hair was wild from Harry's fingers running through it.

"My Harry." Niall muttered, kissing Harry's neck. He moaned softly, playing with the soft little hairs at the back of Niall's neck.

"My princess."

Harry could feel his heartbeat pulsing all throughout his body. He had never been so close to Niall, so close to him in this way. He was battling an internal war, one where part of him wanted to take Niall right there in that tent and another part of him that was saying to wait.

He panicked, sitting up quickly. He pulled his lips away from Niall's and breathed out heavily.

"W-we can't. Not yet." Harry said softly. Things were going too fast. He'd never wanted to do something like this in a spur-of-the-moment fashion with Niall. Niall was too special to him. He meant more to Harry than just a quick fuck in a tent. He wanted to wait for the perfect time.

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