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Harry never noticed how little meaning his life had if Niall were to not be in it. He didn't have a job, or his own house, or a car. He did have a pet now, but Ollie was growing to be more of an annoying pain in the ass than a sweet innocent kitten.

He had just seen Niall the day before last, but it felt like it had been years. He didn't want to go anywhere or do anything without Niall because it all just seemed pointless. There was no reason to do anything without him around to make things brighter. Niall was like, the sunlight in Harry's everyday life. Doing anything without that light made his whole life feel like a perpetually rainy day.

"Harry goddamn it! Get your pussy out of my room!" Louis screamed from down the hall. Harry had set up camp on the couch and hadn't moved since Niall had left, which was only furthering Louis's trashy mood.

Harry got up and walked down the hall to see Louis pushing Ollie back with the end of a swiffer mop.

"Alright calm down dumbass." Harry joked, picking the cat up and tucking him under his arm.

Louis scowled and dropped the Swiffer.

"You need to get out of the house. You smell like death and frozen pizza." Louis said finally.

"What's the point? Niall's busy for like, ever catching up on his coursework and shopping with Liam and he's doing all of these things and I bet he hasn't even thought about me." Harry moped bitterly.

Louis rolled his eyes, shaking his head in annoyance, "Stop whining. Your whole life shouldn't revolve around Niall."

Harry knew that Louis had a point. He shouldn't be so needy towards Niall because if one day Niall suddenly decides that he can do better than Harry, he'll need something to focus his life on other than the gigantic Niall-sized hole in his heart.

Thinking about ever losing Niall made Harry feel kind of like he was drowning, but also kind of like he was purposely trying to find a reason to worry. Niall loved him, and he loved Niall. There was no chance of them breaking up anytime soon.

Harry had to tell himself that over and over mentally, to try and keep his thoughts stable.

"Harry, are you even listening to me?" Louis asked in annoyance. Harry looked up, a blank stare on his face.

"I'm sorry, what? "

"Jesus Harry. I'm taking you out tonight alright? Just you and me. Like old times."

Louis would never admit it, but he missed hanging out with Harry, as much of an annoying fuck he tended to be, they always had a lot of fun together. They used to have times when they would go out and just spontaneously do things depending on how they were feeling. Louis wanted to go back to the times when they were best mates, and when he wasn't playing second fiddle to Niall, for lack of better terms.

"Louis, are you jealous?" Harry asked, smiling and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"And what in the hell should I be jealous of?" Louis snarked, leaning against the doorframe away from his hand.

"Well, Zayn and I are both in relationships now and you know, you're still kind of, well alone."

Louis couldn't believe how selfish and insensitive Harry was being towards him. He might have been overreacting a bit, but Harry knew how hard it was for him to find a boyfriend. It was hard enough to even keep friends around. It was just, Louis was so weird. He had weird habits and he was a clean freak and he was definitely a little more than sassy. Not a lot of guys were attracted to that.

"Forget it Harry." Louis said weakly, he turned around and walked to his room, slamming the door.

It seemed like today was going to be another lonely Netflix day.

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