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Niall's state of cheerfulness steadily decreased through the following days. He would sit and stare out of his window, imagining what it would be like to look down and see Harry pulling into his driveway. He half expected Harry to show up like that, in some blaze of glory. He wanted to be rescued, but he couldn't help but feel the hopelessness behind that feeling. Harry was supposed to be his knight in shining armor! Where was he?

Niall didn't want to text Harry, because words weren't the same as hearing his voice. Words didn't give him the same feeling as when he held Harry's hand.

Niall was lonely. He wanted to run away, but he had an awful sense of direction. He'd never make it all the way to Harry's flat without getting lost. And besides, his mum had him on lockdown.

"You may not leave the house until this boy isn't invading your thoughts." Maura had said the other morning over breakfast. Niall was just about to walk to the door when Maura ruined his plans.

"Mummy I just want to walk." Niall lied. He wanted to meet Harry at the bench.

"No. You may not. You can go places with me. Perhaps we could go grocery shopping today." Maura said thoughtfully. Niall huffed.

"I don't want to go places with you! I want to go with Harry." He whined. Maura sent him to his room, proclaiming that he should take some time to find himself. Niall wasn't exactly sure what that meant, considering that he always knew where he was. Well, except that time when he got lost in the store but that was different.

So, Niall had been spending the majority of his time cramped inside of his room, much like Rapunzel. He just had to wait for his prince to come.


Harry was morbid and moody. Louis nor Zayn dared to cross paths with him, or even give him a slight look. It was like dealing with a hormonal girl on her period, but worse.

He hated anyone and everything. He refused to leave the house, or shower, or even change clothes.

Louis made the mistake to one day point out that Harry and Niall hardly even know each other, so how was Harry this mopey without him.

"He's the love of my life!" Harry had screamed, throwing a plastic cup directly at Louis's forehead.

Louis rolled his eyes at Harry's dramatics but laid off nevertheless. Zayn was careful to not bother him aswell.

Harry took up a permanent spot on the couch, giving Louis chills anytime he walked by and smelled the putrid scent of self-pity.

"Harry for God's sake!" Louis was fed up on the third day, not able to handle the smell of death in his home. "Get the hell up. Go get him! Sneak him out! I don't care what you do but just take a shower or something. My God I'll have to peel a layer of dirt off the couch!"

Harry moaned, burying his face in his crumb infested pillow. His usually perfect hair was tangled and messy, a few lint balls stuck in the curls. He had a slight five 'o' clock shadow growing on his face and his eyes were dim. He was wearing a baggy grey sweatshirt and boxers that could probably walk to the laundry bin alone once he was able to remove them from his body.

Louis pinched the bridge of his nose as Harry stood. He walked to the window, pulling one of the curtains open and admitting life, much to Harry's dismay. He hissed and shrieked and held his hands up to cover his burning eyes.

"Look Harry! Light! Maybe if you bothered to stop being such a sad-sack and move on you could've gotten him back by now." Louis snapped, shoving Harry in the general direction of the bathroom.

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