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"Goddamn it." Harry cursed under his breath. He'd turned his back for not hardly 2 minutes and Louis was suddenly nowhere to be found. 

They were in a crowded nightclub, and Louis was completely trashed, to the point of general oblivion. Harry knew he would have to babysit him all night, but not to this extent. 

When he was finally able to locate Louis, he found that the boy was in the middle of a guy on guy grind circle, getting down and dirty with at least 12 men he didn't know. Harry laughed at the irony of the fact that if sober Louis saw this behavior tomorrow, he'd probably bathe until the top layer of his skin peeled off. 

"Louis." Harry called, but the loud dance track playing washed away his words. So, he ended up having to step between all of the bodies to get to his mate, who looked happier than he'd seen in weeks.

'Well,' Harry thought to himself. 'What's the harm in letting him have a little fun?'

So with that, Harry went back to the bar alone. 

The spot where he'd previously been sitting was occupied by a boy with short blonde hair. From behind, he resembled Niall quite a bit.

Harry took a seat on the stool next to the boy and caught a side glimpse of his face, almost to reassure himself that it wasn't Niall. He must have been seeing things before, considering that now when the guy turned his head, his blonde hair was actually a fair brunette.

"Can I help you?" The guy asked, his voice low and gravelly.

"No, sorry." Harry mumbled, now feeling awkward for having been caught staring. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, only to see that Niall still hadn't even bothered to text him.

He opened up the message app and composed a text to Niall, before quickly deleting it all and putting his phone back where he'd gotten it. If Niall wanted to talk to him, then he should be the one who reaches out.

Harry turned to look back out at the sea of bodies, just to see Louis in the same place. It seemed that everyone was getting along just fine without having him around. He slumped down in the bar stool, carelessly pouting.

"Who's funeral are you at?" The fair-haired brunette boy snarked, taking a sip from the clear drink in front of him. Harry didn't answer, considering that he wasn't in the mood to be patronized by snarky bar boys.

"Your's if you don't leave me alone." He finally huffed.

The guy let out an obnoxious snort.

"You know you're at a club right? Why don't you act like it." The guy replied. 

Harry was annoyed at this point. Who was this guy to tell him how to have fun? He could have fun. He didn't need anyone to tell him how to. 

So he got up and headed straight to the middle of the floor with Louis. He was hesitant at first, but slowly let the pulse of the music and the lively energy take over. He danced to the beat, trying to avoid the grinding, which was basically impossible. He danced against Louis the most, because the other guy's smelled like the equivalent of a thousand dirty gym shorts.

"Lighten up." Louis yelled over the music. Harry sighed and gave in, conforming to the motions of the crowd.


Niall and Liam were cuddling on the couch when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Liam smiled. He slowly got up to allow Niall to adjust into a new position. 

The knocking didn't stop after the first few, it was persistent.

"Coming! I'm coming." Liam yelled, running a hand through his slightly messy hair.

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