Chapter Twenty Five | New Reveal

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"Time reveals the truth."

~J.R. Rim


June opened her eyes to darkness. It was quiet, too, so she wasn't sure what had made her wake up. She was still dressed in her nurse's outfit, but it was fresh and clean. The floor beneath her was warm from where she had laid, but elsewhere it was cold. She didn't know where she was, and barely remembered what had happened.

I was shot . . . By Megatron.

Yes, she remembered that. The negotiation where the bargain was that he would exchange the kids for her, but when a technicality (and an unfair one at that) had rendered that bargain null and void, Megatron had cheated and taken the kids.

And then . . . Killed me, I suppose. Is this what death is?

Cold, dark, lonely. Yes, that is what it seemed to be. It made her incredibly disappointed. She had hoped that there would have been something in the afterlife, or completely nothing at all. Perhaps she was stuck in limbo, not quite in nothingness or the afterlife.

Her eyes were barely adjusted to the darkness; there was a limit of how little light the human eye could detect. And since there was not much here, her eyes were constrained to that limit.

Standing up, she felt her knees wobble and shake, the blood rushing away from her head making her dizzy for a brief moment before it was gone, and she focused on trying to see. She stretched out her arms and began to walk, taking a few careful steps forward, knowing her sense of direction would be completely off. It was amazing how easily confused her brain could be.

An idea popped in her head and she searched for her cellphone, patting empty pockets before realising that she had destroyed it, and thrown the pieces away. Swearing softly in her head, she outstretchd her arms again and kept walking.

Slowly, step by step, she navigated through the darkness, straining to hear, smell, or touch something, her eyes virtually useless. It felt, however, as if her senses had been smothered, and it brought a brief panic to mind.

I can't feel anything, with any of my senses.

It suddenly felt hard to breath, and she stopped, dropping to her knees and gasping.

Am I drowning? Dying again? Did I use up all the oxygen already?

She held her throat in her hand as she tried, heart hammering wildly as panic constricted her throat and crushed her chest. It was a terrible feeling, and though logic tried to dissuade her and remind her that this was just something akin to anxiety, that she didn't need to actually struggle for air, her body didn't listen.

"Please . . ." She choked out. "Help . . ."

Her cries seemingly went unanswered until a blinding light blossomed from behind her, searing her eyes and she cried out in pain, covering them. She blinked and struggled to adjust, barely able to make out a giant metal titan before her.

"Welcome, June Darby."


Miko flinched as sparks almost flew into her optics, shuttering them and looking away briefly as the light caused something similar to after images to appear.

"I didn't imagine this was going to be my first tattoo." She mumbled, grimacing as the welder touched her armor a little too hard, making it burn. "I was actually planning to get a bunch of Autobot symbols! You know, like Bulkhead? One on each shoulder, and I was thinking one on m back. 'Cause one in the middle of my chest would be kind of weird, for obvious reasons-"

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