Chapter 5

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Here's chapter 5.

BTW, I just realized that you needed to read the Son of Neptune to think that this isn't that big of a crap.

This chapter is just what happens at the same time, in different places, with new characters. I did this to introduce a part of the plot.

Enjoy =D

All rights reserved.


Sammy Valdez was supposed to be dead. But he wasn't, he had the key, the key didn't give him eternal life ,but it had saved him that day. He was trapped in Tartarus now, but alive, and he waited, waited to the day the prophecy was fulfilled. The day he could strike revenge on the boy who had killed him, sort of. Sammy hissed, as the boy's name rang into his ears. Octavian. Octavian Meteor...... Sammy wasn't much now, but he would return. To keep his promise, and to kill that man Octavian.


Maxie Meteor, was the child of evil. That was how he was raised. He crushed those in his way, to collect the four pieces to unlock the key. The key that opened the doors. He needed to open them, he needed to see his mother again, that wasn't why his grandfather had wanted him to. But Maxie knew.

All he had was his dad, his shrivelled up grandfather, and the Dark. He wanted to see light, the thing that made him feel different. It was a good different. It made him feel warm. But now all he could be was cold.

He had a brother too, his name was Trash? But his brother was good. What was good? He'd never know, all he knew was it was what he needed.

He just needed good once. He wanted to know how he felt. He didn't know if he had felt it before. But just once.


Gaea, had risen, she was alive and ready to attack the Olympians, for what they did to her sons. She had the fresh feeling she had when she was born from Chaos, she felt that she could conquer Olympus, all by herself. But she wouldn't make the same mistake. Because first she had to find the key. She needed to stop Octavian and the Dark, from taking over , when she did take over. It was in the prophecy. It was foregone. But with the key, it didn't matter she could defy destiny. How about their secrets though? Octavian and the Dark's secret? Never mind, it's probably nothing important, she thought, even though knew it was, she just didn't want to believe it.

"I have found the orb," said her sons. Her sons, her pride, her demigods. Jaden and Brendan Choi, they had found the orb.

"Thank-you," she said embracing them, they accepted the embracing, only if they knew. Only if they knew she was an evil goddess. She thought, with tears bombarding her knees.

If only, if only, if only they knew about other things that she kept secret all their lives.


Thalia Grace, woke up from her dream. Panting, and screaming. She remembered Ryan. Ryan Ames. He remembered his face, it was quite something. But that wasn't why she was frightened. It was her dream. That was obvious. But Thalia, couldn't get things straight. A hand patted her back beside her. It was the hand of Veronica Joel. She was a new hunter. But she had mad skills. Her skills with the knife was beyond this world. And she could tame water. She probably was the daughter of a sea god. But not Poseidon. But then again...Anyways, they were best friends.

But now back to Ryan. She remembered the last day she was with him. He had kissed her. It was the best day of her life. The moment he touched her lips with his. But the next day, Ryan was gone, and Thalia had never found him again. His family was also gone. It was as if Ryan was from the mist. But he couldn't be when he'd save her from monsters, the really tough ones. The monster would usually run, the moment they saw him. Who was Ryan? He was a demigod. The son of a godess, she was really old. Was it Gaea? No, he was more powerful than that.

"You okay?" Veronica asked.

"Yea, sorry for bothering you," Thalia replied.

They departed. Then Thalia just looked towards the ceiling, and barely slept that night, thinking of the day Ryan had stole the Map.


Annabeth Chase was face to face. With the giants. All twelve. She was with Percy, Reyna, Jason, and Piper. They somehow managed to go face to face with giants in the middle of war games. In one moment, Hylla and the Amazons, and the Romans and Greeks except Frank, were their to help. Except, Octavian, Leo, and Hazel. Where were they? A part of the Hunters also helped. But the giants wouldn't die. Every blow drained blood from each individual. They were invincible,and Greeks and Romans died, by the minute, so did the Amazons. There was no one injured. Because the injured perished in a minute. Each blows from their fists, and weapons, strategies, trickery, couldn't match the attacks from the combined Amazon, Greek, Roman, and some Hunters.

It was an unstoppable turmoil. The filthy, armed, and burly giants, kicked down cohorts, and knocked down, the senate building was rubbish, and the buildings in the city were remnants of 9/11.

Annabeth's sleeve was torn off at one point, and the Mark glowed as bright as Apollo. A giant gasped, fled, he was probably Pohpyrion because the rest followed. Her mark glowed and everyone saw it. Everyone was scared. They saw Annabeth as a monster.

She was too poweful, she couldn't control her own appearance. She wasn't Annabeth Chase anymore. She hated now. Hatred. Actual, genuine, legitamet, hatred. The same thing as love. Except opposite. They had the same quality, they just had different purposes. She attacked.

It was a dream, all of the palpable disaster was a dream. Annabeth woke up, hoping to be in her cabin, but she wasn't she was next to a NASA building, how in Tartarus was she here? She looked at her arm and spotted a Mark, the colour of blood shaped like letters in Greek. Her mind deciphered Gone. The word Gone. She was Gone.


The Dark remained silent and stern. Everybody was after him. Everyone. Only if they knew, he thought. If only, if only the saddest words that brings the saddest times.

The Dark had a secret, a secret deeper than his power. Something that devestated even him.


Luna Imlack looked at the list again.

1. Jayson Diamond

2. Pixie McCarthy

3. Chris Javaris

4. Silvia Yoric

5. Ryan Ames

6. Trash Meteor (Yes, his name was Trash.)

7. Maxie Meteor

Her mother had told her to destroy these seven demigods. The most powerful in the world. Not America, the world.

Two years ago her mother wouldn't have even mention destroying anything, except for The Dark. Her husband. The man who cheated her. The man who used her. But now things were different. The compass had possessed her. It was a part of the key. It was the part her mother had tried to kill The Dark with. Revenge screwed the compass up.

So her mother had been possessed by her creation, and soon would the world.

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