°•Chapter 10•° Talking to the "Twins"

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"Sadly I don't," Kyouya said curiously," Why do you need them."
He had weird evilish eyes with his glasses kinda shaded. I can't tell him about why I am here, or why I think I'm here. Besides, he probably has theories too. He seems to know everything except why I'm here. I must bother him
  "I wanted to ask about, um," think Meg! Think!" My mom! Yeah, my mom."
"Don't you have her number," he questioned," You can message her, with the new phone I gave you, right?" He raised an eyebrow.
  Crap... Um... What do I do?!
I opened my mouth to make something up, but every thing started shaking, and laughing appeared. Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi was walking to the table we were at with no consideration for the fact that THERE IS AN EARTHQUAKE OR SOME CRAP!
   I put my arms over my head, protecting my skull.
After it stopped, a fimilar voice started shouting. I looked up, warily, and saw her. Renge! I jumped up, and Renge noticed me, running twords me with maximum speed yelling "Megumiiiiiiiiii!"
   We embraced, and everyone else was silent. Range started squealing like a fangirl, asking me questions like"Why are you here?" And "I thought you moved to a different part of Japan?"
    Kyouya smirked "How do you both know each other?"
   Everyone was shock, except the twins seemed  very concerned.
"We have been friends ever since we met at a convention! It's so good to see you! We need to catch up!"
  She grabbed my arm and started to exit the park," We are gonna go for a walk! Chat about how life is!"
  As we walked away, I looked back at confused faces, and Haruhi asking "Why does she has another one here?! How?"
   After a bit of walking, Renge asked," Why haven't you asked where I've been? We could have met up!! I messaged you a bazillion times."
  "Oh, sorry! I left my phone in America, and I just got one plus a new phone number," I handed her my new phone.
   "No problem! I'll put my contacts in!" She paused and started to out her number in my new phone. I looked around, and noticed we were next to a pet shop," Renge. Wanna go in?" I smiled.
  "Sure! One second!" She excitedly said, still typing. I looked around some more, and saw a bush on the other side of the road shake a bit.
  °•Host Club P.O.V.•°
    "Tamaki-senpai , this is a bad idea," Haruhi was being dragged with the Host club to follow Megumi and Renge.
  "Nonsense! We must find out more about Megumi!" Tamaki stuck his arm in the air like a hero," And mysteries are always fun!"
  The Host club followed them two, until the stopped in front of a pet shop.
"Boss, why do we need to follow them anyway?," Kaoru asked.
  "Yeah, don't bother. Megumi is just a waste of time," Hikaru carelessly said, making the rest of the Host club turn to look at the twins.
  "Why would you say that Hikaru," Kyouya asked, pushing his glasses up," Unless you know Megumi as well."
  "You better not say anything," Hikaru thought.
  "You know why," Kaoru didn't know why he would decide you mention him and his brother,"You were told to stay quiet about us being apart of her."
  "Guys! Quiet. Do you want to get caught?" Haruhi whispered, annoyed at the host club.

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