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Okay, okay! There is going to be things that don't fit with the timeline of Oran Host Club's events, like -INSTER TITLE HERE-  because it makes it... Interesting. If you like -INSERT TITLE HERE- then say so, and I might include different P.O.V.'s and stuffz. And things like this: "Spells and s***"  (Aka the lined parts) will be English, like in the first chapter, and things like this: "Spells and s*** Will be whispering. K? Enjoy! (^.^)

             I got my schedule, and walked into class. I was a bit late, but I was excused. I got a few rude-ish stares brought at me when I introduced myself.
  "I am Megumi-" I debated on whether to say my real last name so my father would react and send me back to America, but I went with," Anami" as my surname. The teacher told me where to sit (near the back) in the empty seat next of an English transfer student by the name of "Kane". Time slowed as I started for my seat. Stares and awkward smiles, then passing my brothers with pink and blue hair. Then Kane smi-
What?! Blue and Pink hair?! Why...? I decided to ignore the.... Obvious change for now. I sat down next to Kane. He had light toffee like skin tone and beautiful brown hair, and dark green eyes. He was very  handsome, so he must get attention from the girls. He smiled, I smiled back, and then sat down.
=After the boring classes, blah blah blah (you know Meg didn't pay much attention)=
    Yay! Time to leave... But then I have to go back to the "Ootori household"... I'd rather stay here to be honest...
     I aimlessly walked around to find 1) the front to get a limo or car or something, or 2) Kyouya. Walking a bit more, I ran into Kane.
   "Hey... Megumi, is it?" He smiled and held out his hand for a handshake.
  I shook his hand," You can call me Meg."
  "You speak English?" He seemed surprised and glad.
  "No, I thought I was speaking Spanish." I laughed.
  "Fair enough "Meg". You can't really give me a nickname, considering my name can't be shortened properly."
"You could go with "K"? Maybe, maybe not."
   We started walking and talking, following the endless maze of a school. Probably far from where I wanted to be.
  "Where did you like before this? Why are you at Oran," Kane asked.
So far, Kane is one of the two nicest people to talk to me today.
"I lived in America...," I didn't want to give up the "secret" or whatever," And it's kinda complicated."
    "Aw, don't be like that.," He laughed.
   "What about you? How'd you get to Oran if you're American?" He never said. And hey! Maybe he's in an almost similar situation.
"I lived in America too, but then my dad had to move with his work, making my other dad and siblings move along," he seemed a bit on the protective side now," Yes, I have 2 dads. Hope that doesn't change our "Friendship."
    "Nah," I don't care about that stuff, unless you go around and hurt people and stuff," How many siblings do you have?"
   He sighed in relief," Two younger, and one a year older than me. All boys, except the last two are twins. Girl and boy. How about you?"
    I might regret doing this, but it's not like it's gonna hurt,"Yes, but like earlier, it's complicated. I have 2 brothers."
  "Why is your life so "complicated" anyway? Are you sworn to secrecy?" He laughted, jokingly.
   I laughed too," You could call it that, yeah."
    Kane stopped walking and asked"You hear that?"
   I stopped and listened. I heard talking and girls either giggling or intensely fangirling. It was coming from the door labeled as "Music Room 3". I looked at Kane, and opened the big, wooden doors.
  All of a sudden, I was blinded, and rose petals flew out. I started flailing my arms, confused on what the fuck just happened.
  "Welcome-" a bunch of voices creepily greeted Kane and I. Kane was shocked, his green eyes wide open.
   A blonde haired guy came and got really close and said some stupid pick-up line, following with him calling me "princess". Kane noticed that I was uncomfortable with this guy, and  started to hold on to his shoulder, -stopping him from getting closer into my personal space- saying "Dude, stop. That's super creepy."
  The blonde haired guy started sulking in a corner. "Thanks Kane," I blushed (unnoticeably) at his act. You could call if jealousy in some way, but I find it as common sense. Even though I wouldn't mind jealousy.
   "Tamaki-chan, it's okay! Will cake make you feel better? Oh, but I want the strawberry. Unless you want it, then-" the little boy was picked up by a tall dude. I noticed that my brothers, with their weird hair, were separate, and busy looking. To busy to notice me... Like they would either way.
  Haruhi was talking to some girl now, and Kyouya gave me that same old creepy smile.
"I'll be right back. I've gotta talk to Kyoua about, um," quick Megumi! Think of something... Oh, got it ," studying! Yeah, studying."
   I sprinted to him, and whispered "Wha is happening, exactly?"
    He wrote while responding," This is the host club. We all are hosting girls with time to waste."
Kinda gross. I decided to ask about when we were leaving.
   "Can you stay at the local coffee shop down the road? We were instructed you pick you up there after I was done hosting."
"I don't know where that-" wait. Maybe Kane can show me.
  I walked away, and asked Kane if he knew the town.
   "I've only been here a few weeks, but I know where. I actually walk home, so I can call my dads and tell them that I'm showing you around. Hold on," he took out his phone to the hallway, and called them. While he was calling, the little boy walked over to me.
  "What's your name?" The boy was holding a pink bunny.
"I'm Megumi," I smiled," but you can call me Meg."
His eyes lit up," Hi Meg! My name is Honey!"
I smiled, and Kane motioned me to him.
  "It was nice to meet you Honey," I walked away.
   After Kane and I got outside, we started to talk again, on the way to the coffee shop.
  "Why is Honey at Oran?" I asked. I wondered if he was a younger brother to that one blonde guy, or the brown haired tall dude.
  "He's 17. He's just short." Kane smiled," and the taller one is Mori. Then the twins in our class, plus Haruhi and Tamaki. You seem to already know Kyouya." I hope Kane isn't suspicious or anything. I know I would love to move back to America,but Kane is one of the reasons I'd like to stay...
   No, no, no! Megumi, no! He is a friend. Yes, a handsome and relatable one, but a friend you met today. Cal. Yourself.
   "Yeah. We are ...friends..," it felt weird calling him a friend. He isn't really the type -from my perspective- to be friendly. He seems like to hates me to be honest.
    We talked more until we reached the coffee shop and ordered some coffee. We sat in the front under one of the umbrella seats. Around us were either friends meeting up, women gossiping, or college students with their laptop.
   "Do you have a phone number? I kinda lost mine," Kane laughed.
"Omg, what pick up line was that? Jesus, that's pretty bad," I laughed with him.
  "I just needed an excuse to ask for your number. Probably not the best approach, but I tried, didn't I?"
    "Barley. And I don't have a phone with me. Write yours on this napkin,"I got a pen out of my bag, and handed him a napkin," And i'll message you. I'm gonna ask for a new phone to message and call since  left my American phone in America."
   He wrote it down and gave it to me," What if I can't wait that long? I have only a few friends I can talk to."
   "You'll have to wait," I stood up," my rides here."
  He stood, and smiled," I'll be waiting for that message."
  As I walked to the limo, I laughed," bye."
"Bye!" Kane waved, and started walking.
  I entered the limo to find Kyouya's father sitting in front of me, aswell as Kyouya.
  This is gonna be a fun ride, isn't it?

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