Chapter 9: Thank you+ Update!

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I just wanted to start this with a thank-you for stumbling upon my story, and for enjoying it! I like writing this fan fiction, and i'm glad people enjoy it as well. <3
     "Thanks again Kyouya! You didn't have to get me a fancy phone. A normal flip phone would've worked since this isn't going to last," I thanked Kyouya. He got me a cute Mint Green flip phone type phone with one of those cute keychains with it, but it works like an IPhone with emoji's and everything.
  "It was something we were developing so we can sell them. We needed to test it, and here you are," he smiled the smile again, and informed me about my new phone number and how to use it.
  "It's like an iPhone or Android phone. You can type and call, but it has a partial touch screen when you press this button," he pressed one of the buttons in the middle of the keypad, and a little menu popped up for emojis, the clipboard, and the question marks and things of the sorts," and you can also create a password for it." I feel like a grandmother....
   As he taught me how to use it, I noticed that we were near the park he talked about earlier. I guess we're meeting the rest of the Host Club here. Time to face my brothers, and get some answers.
   Kyouya handed me the phone, and asked "Do you need the Host Club's phone numbers?"
  I didn't get to answer because the Tamaki dude ran over, and got into my personal bubble again.
   "Hello Megumi! As the leader of the Host Club, I have made something to make your experience with us grand!," he whispered the last part," Especially since you're Haruhi's friend!"  
   He dragged me twords a little picnic area, and yelled," Any friend of Haruhi is a friend of mine!"
  This guy is... Interesting. I saw everyone sitting down, except the really tall dude. I think his name is Mori?  My brothers stood up taking Haruhi by the arms in unison, and taking him away. Tamaki noticed this, and started running after them, yelling "Pesky Twins!"
  While I stood there awkwardly, Honey ran up to me and hugged me, almost making me fall over.
  "Meg-chan! You made it! Do you want some cake?" he asked with adorable little eyes.
He's so cute! I can't say no to that face!

   I smiled," I would love some cake!"  He smiled a big smile, and drug me to the place he was sitting at before my brothers swept Haruhi away

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   I smiled," I would love some cake!"
  He smiled a big smile, and drug me to the place he was sitting at before my brothers swept Haruhi away.
   I sat down next to Honey, and he handed me a slice of cake with a little strawberry slice on it. Haruhi walked twords us, and sat down. I looked around to see what happened with my brothers, and they were being... Disciplined or yelled at by Tamaki? That guy, I swear.
   "Do you want some cake Haru-chan?" Honey took a bite of cake.
  "No thanks Honey," he turned to me," Sorry if Tamaki or the Twins are scaring you away."
"The twins"... If only you knew. I guess that's what I get for being sent away from your family for about 8 years.
   "No problem!" I faked a little laugh," They look like a handful."
   "Yeah, they can be. They can also be a bit ignorant, overdramatic, etcetera."
Everyone stopped talking. I need to stop this awkwardness.
   "Oh, Haruhi, I got a new phone, and I was wondering if I could get your phone number,"I asked. She smiled, and took out a phone.
  "Kaoru gave me one, actually. Here it is," she smiled.
  We exchanged phones and put in a contact for ourselves.
   "Man," Haruhi seemed a bit amazed," This phone is advanced. How much?"
  Crap. I'll tell a partcial truth! That'll work!
  "Since I left my phone back at my... Old house, Kyouya let me have a prototype phone to use. We both benefit from it. I get a free phone and phone number, and they get a design tested," I explained.
       "Cool," she smiled," But I've gotta use the bathroom."
  I ate the rest of the cake while Honey kept talking to me about his pink bunny stuffed animal. Haruhi went to use the restroom near here, the twins and Tamaki are nowhere to be found, Kyouya and Mori are being silent, and it's starting to get darker and darker. It's peaceful to sit and relax with some new friends, but I need to find my brothers, and fast.
  I motioned for Kyouya to come over here, and Mori came as well, and started to talk with Honey.
  "Kyouya, have you seen where the," I paused for a quick second," the twins are? I need to speak with them."
For some reason, I can't say Twins properly anymore. As I got to know these people, it feels weird to lie to them. I mentally slapped myself. Snap out of it! They aren't family anyway. They never were.
   Hi reader! I just wanted to say thank-you again!

   --End--   Hi reader! I just wanted to say thank-you again!

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(I don't know why I used the cactus... Don't judge me!) Anyway, not to spoil anything, but my other fanfiction for 'Kamigami No Asobi', I'm planning for some sort of link between the worlds. Okay, okay, they are basically the same with the characters similarities. Like c'mon! Apollon and Tamaki?! Same obsession over a girl who teaches them things they never knew much about, like humans and their culture and everyone else who isn't rich? No, just me? Okay then. But either way, thanks.

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