°•Chapter 5•°

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My legs ached, and the dress fabric made it hot. As I entered the school, a bunch of the other students looked at me with disgust. Probably because I had to walk about a mile, in a dress, while it's super hot outside! Yay for my social record so far!
I ignored them as I tried to find my way to the office to get a schedule. You think my father would have done this already, but I got no schedule... Or a tour.... Or a map... I'm fucked, aren't I?
I gave up, and decided to ask the two girls talking near the lockers. As I approached them, they looked at each other, and walked away before I could ask where to go. I stopped awkwardly, and went to a guy reading on the seat near me. He didn't notice I was there, until I said,"Hi. I need-"
He turned, and then I realized it was the guy from the limo. He smiled, and stood.
"Hey! You're Megumi? From yesterday?" He was so nice.
"Yeah. I need help finding the office, and then I need to find my classes... Would I be a bother?" I asked.
"No problem! Follow me," he closed the book and started to walk. I quickly followed him, causing a few girls to stare at me angrily. Looks like they're jealous. He is a lady's man, I see.
As we walked past people, I asked,"What's your name?"
The talking of everyone made it harder to hear him, but i'm pretty sure he said his name was Haruhi or something like that. We kept up small talk, and slowly got to know each other.
We stopped, and he showed my the direction to go for classes. He had to go so he can be there early. I thanked him, and I walked into the office. I then got my schedule and headed for class.

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