Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Are those my letters?" There was a pause of awkward silence, then my laughs filled the air. I couldn't hold it in. The irony of the situation was too much to handle. It was less than ten hours ago I was on Victoria's side of this same conversation and Lukas was in my place. But the laughs quit almost as soon as they started, I was such a hypocrite.

"Victoria, I need you to listen to me."

"How dare you! Why would you go through someone's stuff like that!" Victoria rushes over and pushes me out of the way. She starts putting the envelopes back in their place. Then her hand comes to the letter I received from Stephen and she falters. Her eyes skim the length of the short letter and she turns to me, her blonde curls bouncing at the sudden movement.

"Victoria, I know. I know about it all. Yes, your letters did help me figure it out a little earlier than I was supposed to know, and I'm sorry about that. If anyone should understand privacy it's me. I'm truly..." She rushes towards me and throws her arms around me. Her hug was tight and surprisingly strong. I was so shocked that I didn't respond. I stood very still as Victoria hugged me, but she didn't seem to mind.

"You have no idea what a relief it is that someone finally knows." And that was a slap in the face. Why would she be happy that someone knew her secrets? Why would she want them to know?

"You're happy?" Victoria bounces back but doesn't remove her hands from my shoulders.

"Of course! It hurts you know? Keeping something a secret like that, carrying that burden. I needed to talk about it, I needed someone to know! And finally, you found that box! I was so nervous at first, but I'm glad it was you and not my mother!" She hugs me one last time and then bounces over to sit on her bed. This Victoria was different than the one that left. This person was changed and surprisingly likeable.

"So, Mae, what's your plan? How are you getting us out of here?" She was like a puppy, big eyes and sitting so expectantly.

"Well, I hadn't really gotten there. I was still stuck on the fact that you and Stephen were, you know." I let the sentence die off, not able to bring myself to saying it.

"Oh, I know! I was surprised too! Love is so unexpected. Okay here's the story. Oh it is SO good to finally tell it because it is a good story!" She clears her throat and dives into her story, "It was a few months ago that I met a man that wasn't Stephen. I thought he was the one that I was going to marry. My mother warned me against him but there was a mystery about him that I was drawn to. He was handsome and quiet. He didn't give me much about his background and I found that appealing. It was like reading a book, each day was something new and different. I loved that. So one night, I snuck him into the estate and I showed him around at night. I wanted him to see where I lived. We ended up in here and well you know the rest, you found us the next morning." There was a sudden blush that was uncharacteristic of her. She was embarrassed by what happened but she didn't hide it. She was very open. She wouldn't look at me as she continued with this part of the story, "That night I discovered he wasn't who he said he was. He owned the bar in town and apparently he does this all the time. Woos wealthy women just to get them in bed. Then he goes around and tarnishes their name. He twists the story around so it sounds like the woman was the one who forced him to do whatever it was. So, that night, I ran out to the forest. You know how when your emotions get the better of you, you're not entirely sure of what you're doing?"

"Oh, yes. I have an idea." I mutter.

"Well that night I ran to the forest and I found Stephen sitting there in the clearing. He was just sitting there right on the ground, his eyes closed. He was listening to the sounds around him. I was obviously loud so when I came upon him he jumped up and we stared at each other for a moment. He could tell I had been crying and he could tell I was upset. So he asked the obvious question, 'Are you alright'? And it was probably the best thing I could hear at that time. I know it seems strange, but there wasn't any 'Oh, Miss, how can I help you?' or, 'Oh, Miss. Victoria, come on you can't be out here at night.' He was kind to me. He took me back to the stables and let me calm down. He gave me some warm drink and we talked. I ended up telling him everything because Stephen has that kind of personality. I told him about my fears and my worries and he told me he would go talk to the man. He said he knew exactly who I was talking about and it was about time to put an end to what had been going on." She stops to catch her breath. A single tear had found its way down her cheek, but she doesn't go to wipe it away. She chuckles to herself letting the memory wash over her.

"Turns out the man had moved to a different town a few days later." She looks over at me with a large smile. "Every night since the night at the stable we met in the woods and the rest is history." She becomes quiet. She fiddles with the fabric of her dress and speaks the next words almost to herself.

"I love him Mae. I know you're the closest thing he has to family and the closest thing you have to family. I know how important he is to you and you to him, trust me I know. But I really do love him." She watches me now, her blue eyes waiting for what I would say next.

"I believe you." And I really do. The way she said his name, the way she looked when she thought of him, the way her eyes sparkled when she thought about the past memories. It was the way my mother looked at my father, the way my father once looked at my mother, and the way Lukas looks at me. I didn't realize it until now, but Lukas had always looked like that when he looked at me.

"I promise you Victoria, I will find a way to help you. I will figure this out, I promise." She leaps up and gives me another bone crunching hug. I meant every word I said. I may have ruined one love story, but I'm not about to let another one be ruined.

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