Chapter Five

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Authors Note: I have been so busy lately and have had no time to sit down and write something! It's been killing me and this story has been on my mind this whole past week! Hopefully, in the next few days, I can sit down and write some more! Let me know what you guys think and if you are enjoying it! Your comments are much appreciated and if you find a mistake or something that doesn't make sense, please let me know so I can fix it! Thanks for reading:)

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His blue eyes watch me with amusement. He casually leans back against the oak door frame as he watches me squirm under his stare.

"Well, are you going to say something or just stand there?" He asks.

"I could ask the same thing about you." I retort. He laughs at that which causes my heart to flutter. His laugh is deep and melodic. It carries a sweetness to it that makes you want to laugh along, but in my opinion, the best kind of laugh is a contagious one. After a few seconds of silence, and not knowing what to do, I turn to the counter and look at the chopped up carrots that Liz had been working on. I marvel at the way the orange seems to contrast with the dark oak top. I grab a thick cutting knife from the line of utensils and begin to chop away but I am rudely interrupted by a small 'ahem' coming from the door frame area. I turn to see he hasn't moved yet and realized how rude I must have been, staying focused isn't my specialty and talking is certainly below that.

"Well, are we going to just stand here or are you going to ask who I am?" He crosses his arms over his chest causing his arms to bulge under the thick cotton jacket he wears. Curiosity fills me as I watch the mysterious man from the market looks me over, but I dare not give into it. For once in my life, I do not succumb to my curiosity but instead, leave it be. I feel that being around this man is dangerous in and of itself.

"Oh, yes. I could ask you who you are but what's the fun in that?" He muffles a small laugh,

"And what does that mean?" 

"Well, you see. I could stand here and ask who you are and then you would ask about me. I would tell you my name, again, and we would make small talk about our lives that we both know we will forget about within the next hour, or who knows maybe we would last in each other's memories for about a day. Anyways, we would go on with our lives as random people that met one another in a kitchen. You knowing I'm a servant at Pinefield manor and me knowing that you're probably some high-end businessman or wealthy child of some stuck up snob in the mountains."

"A stuck up snob? Do I really give off that impression?" 

"Yes, you do. But frankly, in my mind, I find this whole situation in danger of turning out to be quite boring. I tend to live adventurously and make the best out of every moment I have." I continue chopping the carrots. Something about him made me want to talk, something that I've never experienced. I wanted him to hear my voice. I wanted him to know me. It's futile to have these thoughts, I'm just a dull servant girl who doesn't deserve the time of day, yet here I am trying to make a lasting impression on someone who probably shouldn't be paying attention to me. Whoops.

"Ah, so you find that I am boring?"

"No, I'm not saying that. It's just that small conversations of the kitchen kind tend to be boring. Who knows, you could be different, but different is so rare to find these days." 

"Well, however true that is, it's your lucky day. I tend to be most interesting." He takes a step towards me as the sound of the knife hits the oak top.

"You do now?" My eyebrows pick up as I stare at the carrots. I find myself afraid to look at him. I'm not scared because he's talking to me or that someone would find it strange that he is talking to a servant, although I do find it strange. But I find myself asking, why me? Why would he bother to talk to me? I think what scares me is the fact that he seems to enjoy talking to me.

"Well yes, it's a common compliment towards me." he pauses. "You know that it is considered rude to not look at the person you are talking to?" I see his hands have rested on the counter closer to me. He has strong hands, manly hands. The kind that would make your skin tingle when he touches you. A soft blush creeps over my cheeks and I set down the knife, a little too viciously.

"And you know it is rude to interrupt someone while they are working?" I set one hand on my hip while the other rests on the thick knife. He wears a mischievous smile and a hint of something flashes in his eyes. I'm not given time to find out what it is because at that moment Liz walks in.

"Miss. Mae, deary. 'Ow long is it going to take to cut those carrots? Miss. Victoria 'as been wai'ing now for breakfast and I won't go on 'aving anothe one o' 'er...Oh dear. Sir, I di'int see you there. It's an 'onor." I watch as Liz curtsy's to the man now standing with his back straight. An amused look has rested upon his face but now he holds a tightness in his shoulders that wasn't there  a moment before when he was so talking to me. He stands straight with his hands behind his back as he returns a bow to Liz.

" Miss. Liz, I've heard a lot about you from Ophelia. It's a pleasure to meet you." He gives a small smile and I watch as Liz practically swoons under his stare. I roll my eyes and continue chopping the carrots. I bet he gets that look all the time.

"Mae, cut that out. Don't you know 'ho this is? Pay your respects." She motions her hand towards the man.

"Liz, I don't have the faintest idea of what you're talking about. He's the one that barged in here. If anyone deserves some respect paid I believe it's me." I hear a gasp from Liz, but his laugh overpowers her. I look up a bit startled as he watches me with a glow in his eyes. He walks over to the door and begins to leave but turns around at the last moment.

"Forgive me Mae Gwennly. I sincerely apologize for interrupting your breakfast endeavors. I do hope to see you again, but if you'll excuse me, it seems that some people have work to get done." He walks out and his laugh seems to stay behind echoing in the large kitchen. My chest fills with surprised anger. Some people have work to get done, well of course people have work to get done. Does he not? Is he so high and mighty that he doesn't have to bother with work?

"For goodness sakes, do people not care anymore?" I slam the knife down as I look up to see Liz's mouth hanging open. Her brown eyes bulge as she stares at me and a look of horror is plastered all over her face. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Did you say someting wrong?! Mae Gwennly, do you not know 'ew you were just talking to?" My heart feels to be clutched by the invisible hand of dread as I watch Liz slowly process the mornings events. My knees feel weak as if I know the answer before it left LIz's mouth.

"Mae, that was the Kings son, Prince Alexander."

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