Stay Away Or Else.

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Leo's POV

The days went by and my family and I lived happily. However, I could sense his eyes everywhere. He was always watching me. The hatred in his stare would burn a hole into me wherever he just so happened to stare. I stopped leaving Candice's side and never left the kids with a babysitter. I trusted no one. I knew how he had captured his victims. He was very manipulative and stronger then he looked. I couldn't risk my family being in danger. I had just gotten them back safely as I dealt with my own personal demons and the longer I went about ignoring the call of Him, the more I realized that I could deal with this on my own. My family was more important to me than an itch that I could never scratch enough to make it disappear.   

Candice's POV

I was enjoying how loving Leo had become. He never left my side and was always wanting to do things as a family. It was a new side of him that I had yet to of seen and it brought us closer. We hung out with our friends a good bit too. However, I noticed that he was always super tense and his body language portrayed that he was read to fight at any given moment. I was curious and wanted to ask what was going on from time to time but I personally didn't sense any danger, so I didn't bother questioning him.

It wasn't until I came across my old friend Kyung-soo that I realized what Leo's big deal was. I had gone out to the store to grab some pineapple shrimp while he was still sleeping. I felt as if someone was following me the whole time. It was unnerving but I finally called out to see who was there.  Kyung-soo walks out and he looked like he had been through hell. His eyes were off, he hadn't shaved in awhile,  and it looked like he had been wearing the same clothes for at least a week.  It wasn't the man I had known when Leo was gone.  It scared me seeing him that way.

I invited him over to dinner, hoping that it would bring the man I had known back. He smiled an almost unnerving smile and agreed to be there, looking amused. It was almost like I had told him he had won the lottery and handed him a winning scratch off. It let me uncomfortable, but I wanted to cheer my friend up.

I finished my shopping and hurried home. Leo was fast asleep with the kids in his arms. It was too cute for me to wake him up and tell him about our dinner quest. I figured that I would just let him know when he woke up, besides Kyung-soo was one of my friends. If he needed help in any way, shape, or form, I was prepared to give it.

Leo woke up just as Kyung-soo rung the doorbell. As he asked who it was, I quickly said, "Relax and don't be mad. He looked like a wreck and I wanted to help, but there seems to be something off with him. Despite that, he's my friend no matter what." Leo just stared at me before marching to the door and opening it with a huge gust of air. Sure enough Kyung-soo was standing there. He had changed his clothes and shaved since we had seen each other last, but the look in his eyes was still way off, especially as he looked at Leo. Or more like looked through him at me.

  Leo's POV

I couldn't believe that this despicable person was sitting across from me at my own dinner table despite the warning that I thought I had made so clear for him. We all sat in silence eating the normally delicious meal, but today, it lacked a taste. He was the one to break the silence by speaking to my wife. i could tell that she could sense the tension in the air, but she carried on as if there wasn't anything to worry about. I knew better. I knew her better. I could almost see the discomfort and anxiety radiating off of her. The conversation soon turned my way when Candice asked me if I wanted to have dessert. I just nodded and kept my eyes on him, especially since his gaze had rested on me, at last.

When she left to go to the kitchen with the kids trailing behind her, I leaned forward and whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "I told you to stay away but you are here. In my house. Do you not think I won't do something about this?"

He chuckled to himself as he took my words in. Then he said, "I'm here because she wants me to be here. That is what really bothers you. I was there for her when you gone. I never actually left. I'm better for her than you are." His eyes were laughing with a dark spiral of hell fire as he said those words as slow as a dying pulse.

I stood up with a fire in my eyes and heart. He had hit a nerve with me having had to leave, to protect my family, to ensure I was strong enough to never hurt them. He was smiling this crazy smile that made my blood boil deep inside. "I want you out of my house the minute this charade is over. If our paths ever cross again, I will end you," I growled out just as Candice walked back inside the dining room with a strawberry and chocolate cake. 

I assumed my position and pretended to be enjoying the cake. Candice saw right through it though. She stared me down and barely looked at Kyung-soo. I could see his slimy smile and dark eyes just taking her in, eating her up just as he was the cake. It was sickening and made my temper flare from deep within again. I counted down the minutes until he politely thanked Candice for the meal and walked out the door, but no before turning back and giving me one last smile, a knowing smile that said we would be meeting soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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