Happy beginnings

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Ken's POV

I was happy to find out that we were going back to Korea, even if it did turn out to be for a couple of months before returning to America. I had come to love America just as much as I had loved Korea. I had met the love of my life Grace and I had come to find out that she was pregnant with twins.

I had never been more happy in my whole entire life. I hoped that that twins were both girls. I wanted to spoil them like the two princesses they would become. Grace wanted a boy and a girl. That was fine too, of course. Any children we had would be spoiled to the greatest degree.


My family loved Cora. They said that she really balanced me out. I didn't think my folks would be too happy with me coming home with a wife but I was so happy that they loved her right off the back. Cora surprised all of us by announcing that she was pregnant. I was so happy. I picked her up and spun her around, showering her with kisses all over her face. Her girlish giggle sounded like bells in my ears like always and my family quickly went into planning a celebration party.

Leo's POV

I wasn't too happy to be going back to Korea. I was happy to see my family but they didn't get along with Candice. She tried to be her sweet, innocent self but apparently she didn't like the way I was treated by certain members of my family. There was so much tension and it literally felt like a fight was going to break out any minute.

When Candice keyed me in on her being pregnant, I sat down and let this process. I was exactly expecting children but I was so happy to have them. I loved kids so much an I just hoped that HE wouldn't keep me from them, at least not too long.

Hongbin's POV

Maegan and I got married in Korea. It seemed too perfect. Her family wast able to be there but my family was and that was who I really wanted to be there. I really cared for my family and to me, family always came first.

The wedding was a simple little wedding outside my family home. It was a typical white wedding that was small and family friendly. There were sugar irises painted pale pink resting on a chocolate cake with white icing and instead of alcohol, there was sparkling grape juice. It was literally perfect for us and I personally liked it more so then the complex ness of my fellow band mates weddings

Zelo's POV

Due to Annmarie and I only dating, she wasn't aloud to come with me to Korea. Me and the other members had to start working on some more music and the likes and couldn't really see our families for long and I fell into a depression. The others tried to keep me happy by sharing memories of her, but that only made me miss her more.

DaeJae had become more open and the fans welcomed it. That wasn't too much of a surprise to me to be honest. The fans shipped it so hard. Why not support it in reality? I mean it only made since if one shipped it to support it.

I was literally counting down the days until I returned to America to be with Annmarie. I loved her and I was ready to tell her that now. I was ready for so much more with her and I knew the others would support me when it came to her. They had gone as far as drawing up a mato character for her and giving it a unique name that matched her amazing personality to a point. The others didn't want to admit it, but they missed her just as much as I did.

Suga's POV

I didn't care where I was. America, Korea, I was able to learn and write music in either location. The others were just as flexible as I was. As of late BTS members and GOT7 members were becoming great friends. I noticed that both groups had certain pairings within the band and that fine on it's own. I didn't discriminate. As of late, I made it clear that my ideal type was neither male nor female. It all came down to the personality of the person. That's all that should really matter to anyone anyway. Good looks and money are just a plus.

I looked forwards to where everyone's future was heading. We had all made a number of friends during our stay in America and from what I understood, more was to come. I didn't really care to make new friends, besides, the greatest of friendships were made with the littlest of effort. Plus more kpop bands were supposed to be forced over to America. I didn't know just how many, but I knew there were going to be more.

For All That Is FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon