Nightmares at the Playground

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Ken's POV

Jackson Tae and Ariel Ji were both four years old now. I was a very proud fathe . It was becoming harder and harder to sing, act, and be a father and husband but I was managing. Grace was at home planning the twins birthday party and I was glad to get them out of her hands for a few minutes.

At the playground, I couldn't help but notice the lack of peopl . It was such a lovely playground and I believed it needed more children. Lucky for us, a lovely couple brought their children and I was able to relax a little. I leaned against a tree and listened to the laughter and screams of the children and failed to notice the stranger who had showed up.

This stranger had sat on the opposite sit of the park away from my eyes view and had moved closer to me as the day moved on. The other couple was paying very close attention to the children and paid no mind to the man as he eventually ended up behind me. I opens my eyes to check on my angels and felt a sharp blow to my head. Everything went dark and the next thing I remembered was waking up in some dusty building with a throbbing headache. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out in vain. I received no answer and my only worry was for my family.

Grace's POV

I called Ken a million times and it went straight to voice mail each time. I was getting worried when I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was Ken with the kids, I rushed to answer it only to find a police officer with my kids. "Ma'am, I've got some bad news for you." He said as I invited him in. I wasn't sure what to expect. Was it an accident? Where's Ken? Clearly, the kids were okay. I waited patiently for him to continue. "Your husband was abducted from Johnson Park today at roughly five p.m. We don't know why but we will do everything we can to find him and bring him home to you and your children safely."

I sat there in silence as I tried to process what I was just told. Surely, they were mistaken. Who would kidnap my Ken? It didn't make sense to me. Usually it was children taken from a playground, not adults. I wasn't saying my kids should've been taken but I couldn't piece everything together.

I thanked the officer and proceeded to call everyone to let them know. Cora and Candice were distraught and offered to come stay with me. I turned down their offers nicely and continued on my calls. Everyone seemed worried and sorry but yet no one seemed to understand why. I was more confused then ever.

I was getting ready to go pack something's and bead to my dads place when I heard another knock on my door. Hoping it was Ken, I opened it without looking. I wasaceo face iyhthis handsome stranger I had never met before. "Who are you?" I asked somewhat rudely. The man took off his hat and said, "My name is Kim Myung-Soo. My car broke down and due to the rain, the two company won't come and get it until tomorrow and I was wondering if you would let me stay in your home tonight. I would pay for all my expenses naturally."

From my own view of the man, he looked like any other. I didn't want to tell him no but Ken was missing and I didn't need the distraction. My conscious got the better if me and I allowed the man in my house. Besides, the police said that they were looking for him. It's not like I could do any better and this man needed help. There was always another day.

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