Why Do I Always Bare Witness?

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Zelo's POV

After bringing Daehyun back, I went to my room to wait a couple hours for AnnMarie to get off work. I played around writing a song or two while watching tv. American tv was boring but it made good background noise. Finally, the message I was waiting for sent and I gathered the few things I knew I would need. I threw on a pair of headphones and walked down the hall jamming to this song AnnMarie really liked. It wasn't my style but I understood why she likes it.

I passed Daehyun and Youngjae's room and glanced to the side. Once again I was struck with this disturbing image of two of my closest friends making love. I ran out of the house and tried to erase the image from my mind but it was already burned into place like the others before it. Youngjae was going hard from what it appeared by the quick and regretful glance I took. Daehyun's voice echoed in my head as I started my car and drive the short distance to my girlfriend's house. I walked right in and three my shoes haphazardly in the house. I heard AnnMarie call out my name. I didn't answer but instead, followed the voice to her room, where I proceeded to bury myself in the many blankets that held their comfortable throne on her bed.

I could feel her eyes on me as I did this. I then heard her footsteps leading up to the bed before I felt her pull the blankets back off of me. I just laid there, face down on her bed. I didn't want to talk about it nor did I want to move. I had once again witnessed something disturbing that I should be used to by now. I knew it was coming too considering what day it was. However, I was still surprised by them. I don't think that I would ever get used to it and I wasn't sure I could get over it this time. It was just too much for me despite me having had done something similar with the girl I loved so much.

I felt her weight weigh down the corner of the bed where my head was the closest. I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my head and then she asked, "What happened to you?" I mumbled into her mattress, "I bore witness again....." She pulled my head up and asked the question again. Realizing she probably didn't hear me the first time, I repeated, "I bore witness again." She just looked at me with a puzzled expression before it clicked in her mind. It was at that moment that she started laughing. She continued laugh until she eventually fell off the bed and continued laughing. I leaned over her bed and asked, "Are you okay? What's so funny anyway?"

She stopped laughing to catch her breath after a few minutes and finally answered, "Yea, I'm okay. It's just the idea of you having had seen DaeJae in action one again and was this upset by it yet again. It's fucking hilarious. I figured you'd be used to it by now, I mean they've been together almost two years." I just laid my head over the edge and continued my pouting. She had a point but how would she know how I felt? I didn't think she had ever witnessed something like that.

After a few more minutes, she got off the floor and laid on top of me, considering I was taking up most of her bed. She ruffed my hair before she kissed the back of neck. I knew it was her way of saying I'm sorry and it'll be okay but I still didn't feel good. She eventually got up and started doing whatever she had been in the middle of before I disrupted it. A few more minutes later, I left her room and went into the dining room. I climbed into my dog Mochii's cage and held him close to me. I wanted my adorable puppy to comfort me but I just ended up sitting there for an hour. AnnMarie found me like that and asked me to get out. I just shock my head and asked, "Why must I always bare witness? I'm literally the only one and it sucks so much." I felt alone in my bewildered state and I could see it was starting to bother AnnMarie. 

She pulled Mochii from my hands and placed him on the ground in his cage. Afterwards she reached for my hands and pulled me to my feet. Dragging me back to her room, I noticed a coy smile forming across her soft lips. I followed her, curious on what that smile could be about. Back in her room, she turned on some music and pulled me to the bed. I laid down and watched as she laid down beside me, resting her head on my chest. It was comforting and I couldn't help but feel a little better about my current and past situations with my dorm and band mates. 

I felt myself calm down and AnnMarie must have noticed because she got up and changed the music over to Netflix and handed me the controller. Me and her didn't particularly like the same genre of movies but we really liked to make fun of the poorly made B films. It left us both clinching our sides in pain from all the laughter. I always laughed the hardest, especially when she starts using the "Stupid White Bitch" grading scale that her and her friends invented while messing around one weekend. The scale works according to her and I just loved how into it she gets. It was literal perfection and by far the best date anyone could ask for.

Eventually, we stopped grading the movies and began looking for a movie to actually sit and enjoy even if we both hated the genre. We settled on chick flick and just sat back. We talked for a good minute before she leaned in for a kiss. It was the first kiss I had gotten since I had arrived. It was warm and tasted of peaches. She pulled away and smiled the whole time doing it. "Glad you are doing better." She said right before I pulled her in for another one. Before we knew it, a simple kiss had turned into something way bigger. 

We pulled at each others clothes until we had managed to pull them completely off each other. We moved together, wrapping our bodies together. back and forth we moved, moaning, groaning, and whispering our love in each others ears as we caught each breath. It felt amazing even as sharp pains dug into my back from her nails. We finished and laid back together. We were both breathing heavy on top of being hot. However, within a few minutes, AnnMarie was pulling her blankets up over her. She was always complaining of being cold. It was kind of cute in a way but it was also annoying when I was burning up. She couldn't stand being cold and would always hug up to me, making me even hotter. 

I turned towards her and discovered that she was completely knocked out, sleeping soundlessly and looking the most adorable that I've ever seen her look. She normally carried herself like she wanted to fight the world if not mad at it for God knows what reason, but as she slept, she looked like a child caught up in a much better place. It was too cute and I wanted her to always look as care free as she appeared in this moment. I watched her sleep a few more minutes before I turned on a video game and began fighting my way through a fictional world.

It was then I realized how good life was and that I couldn't be this happy without her. I wanted to talk to Yongguk before I completely made my decision. I just hoped he was okay with what I planned on doing, especially since this was my way to complete happiness, something I haven't felt since I was a little kid. I think he would understand where I was going, especially since he was so love struck by little Ms. Cora in all her tiny glory.  

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