Got Love?

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Mark's POV

I watched the six most important people in my life laugh and play around. I wasn't in the mood. My mind was else where and the loveless I felt was almost too much to bear. I noticed that Jackson, Bambam, and Yugyeom were whispering something and I couldn't help but feel angry. For once, I wanted attention from at least one of them. I wanted it from Jackson more so then the others. I always got what I wanted from the other but Jackson fought me tooth and nail. I got up and went to me room after JB, Jr., and Youngjae left to do their own thing. I didn't want to be there when the fight that was sure to happen happened.

I closed the door behind me and put on my headphones. I just randomly selected a song from my playlist, closed my eyes, and tried to drown out the world. A million thoughts flooded my mind instead. I couldn't escape the feeling of hurt and betrayal no matter what I did. I felt tears building up into my eyes but I refused to move or do anything but listen to my music. I so desperately needed someone to actually show me the love I wanted and yet, the people I thought I could get it from, weren't showing it to me, but to each other. As a result, massive fights that leave me as the referee. I hated it and wished I could either fix it or end it permanently.

At that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened one eye and saw Yugyeom. I pulled my headphones off and sat up, waiting for him to tell me that Jackson and Bambam were fighting. To my surprise, he said, "Let's play a game. Remember that game we played when I first came into the group?" I felt a smirk form on my face and I nobbed. "Well, I wanna play it again, but differently this time. Instead of me being blindfolded, can we blindfold Bambam? Or you? You seem so distant lately and I want you to just be able to kick back and have some fun...."

I sat there for a moment and thought about it. I did make that game up to get what I wanted. If I managed to win, I could turn the table or make it super interesting to the point that I get Jackson to myself. I felt a smile, a full blown smile form across my face. I pulled Yugyeom to my lap, kissed him on his cheek and said, "Thank you. I'm down for it. Get the other two and if y'all start a fight tonight, I'm going to lose my shit and punish all of you. I'm so sick and tired of having to play referee."

Yugyeom smiled and ran off to get Jackson and Bambam. I heard a few words being exchanged and I just knew I'd have to slap the taste out of someone's dirty mouth. I just didn't care anymore but I appreciated what Yugyeom wanted to do. At least one person had noticed my mood here lately. I thought to myself as I pulled the shoebox of toys out from under my bed. Inside was the blindfold we had first used. It felt warm in my hands and for the first time in months, I was excited.

Jackson and Bambam came in and Bambam sat in my lap. I looked at Jackson, waiting for a reaction but there wasn't one. That was a pleasant surprise. I tied the blindfold around Bambam and checked to make sure he couldn't see. At time point in our complex relationship, I figured everyone knew who was who but I had a few tricks up my sleeves. I didn't want Bambam tonight. He was my first and Yugyeom was my last. I wanted Jackson so bad, I could taste it. It was almost unbearable seeing him in his black tank top showing off all of his delicious muscles. The thirst was so real tonight.

Yugyeom lead Bambam to the chair that Jackson had set up in the middle of the room. It was amazing to see such a seductive look in his eyes as Bambam licked his lips and said, "Alright. Let's get this party started. I've got a hot blind date late." I couldn't help but smile at the pun. I pointed at Yugyeom and motioned for him to go first.

He hesitated before he pulled out his Chapstick pointed at me then motioned for a switch. I pulled mine out and we exchanged them. I liked the way he thought. Change thing ups a little and confuse him. It was kind of like cheating but it was all legal in the book of game. Yugyeom bent down and lightly kissed Bambam on the lips. Bambam licked his lips slightly and cocked his head at an odd angle. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head. Yugyeom's lips were way softer then mine but Yugyeom always wore watermelon Chapstick. Mine was a raspberry sherbet. I hadn't kissed Bambam in ages, too.

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