Broken Walls and Shattered Hearts

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Julie's POV

Ravi wanted to come over to my place this time. I didn't have a problem with that but I did have a problem with my shitty ass shit hole of an apartment. I could easily do better but it was close to school and I needed that. I couldn't find anywhere nearly as close or with such a good price. It had everything I needed and a few things I didn't, like a nosy neighbor, but I could deal with that.

I cleaned up everything and patched yet another leak in my old waterbed. I needed to just throw it out but I was too lazy to go get another bed and I slept sooooooo good on it. I just couldn't find a good reason to get rid of the leaky thing no matter how I looked at it.

I heard a knock at my door and I hurried to open it. Sure enough it was Ravi. He was dressed in some delicious curve hugging jeans and a royal blue tee shirt. He had his leather jacket slung over his shoulder and combat boots on his feet. He looked absolutely good enough to eat with maybe some whipped cream on top.

I smiled and waved him in. He picked me and kissed me with a kiss that left my emo heart burning with a fire of a thousand suns. "Nice place you have here. It's very homie looking." He said with eyes only for me. I blushed and walked him towards the living room. "Thanks. It could use some work here and there but I'll get around to it eventually" I said as I motioned for him to sit down.

After he sat down and I was sure he was comfortable and occupied with something on the television, I went to cook something for us to eat on. I looked in my fridge and saw eggs and in my pantry, I saw ramen and wasabi ginger chips. I shook my head and decided that I was going to fry some chicken and a lot of it.

Half way through cooking, Ravi came in and began to get handsey. I let him go about it until he got in the way of the chicken. Laughing, I pushed him away and said, "Go back to the living room. I'll be in there with food in just a few more minutes." He gave me the cuties pouty face but listened perfectly.

I entered the living room with a massive plate of chicken and  set it down in front of Ravi. "Dig in and eat as much as you want. If you leave my house hungry, it's your own fault." I said as I pulled a hot piece to my mouth. I went to take a bit and as I did, he hit the other end of the piece. My heart was pounding and I was slightly turned on but my hungry outweighed everything else. We took turns eating our chicken like that util we both had our fill.

It was perfect and as I went to clean up, he swung me up in his arms and carried me with the dishes to the kitchen. He placed me on the counter and  then took the plates and put them in the sink. I watched him as I fingered my black sweater and skinny jeans.

He turned back towards me and began kissing me. It was the same lust filled kisses that I had come to love and crave on a daily basis. I pulled him closer to me and kept kissing this sexy beast that could easily break my stupid weak ass kitchen counter.

I jumped off and grabbed his hand pulling him back to my couch. I knew it could withstand some rough, delicious, horny sex. I pushed Ravi's tall self down and climbed on top of him. He was so warm and his skin was smooth as my hands slid under his shirt. I pushed it up and began kissing along his stomach, knowing it drove him crazy. His breathing was deep as he tried to keep control of his body but I knew I was the one in control. I always was.

I felt his hands along my hips as he went to pull my sweater off. I let him, revealing a deep blood red bra with white cross stitches. He took this sight in as his hands softly moved along my breasts, cupping them as his thumbs moved along where my nipples where getting hard with his touch. A soft sigh escaped my lips as he reached between my breast and undid the clasp and then pushed the bra down my shoulders, completely rendering my topless.

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