Party Time

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Jimin's POV

I was playing with Jhope's red lightsaber the day before our big costume party. We had gone all out and invited all of our friends. We'd figured that everyone needed some time to relax and have fun, especially after the disappearances and deaths of some of our closest friends. I ended up swinging it too hard, hitting it against the bed post, and breaking it. Naturally, I took it and hid it so I could try and fix it or possibly replace it later. Of course, I ended up not able to fix it and had to improvise. I didn't have time to run to the local store and buy a new one, so I went into my closet and pulled out the package I had been hiding so carefully from everyone, including Jhope. I pulled it out of the packaging and placed it in the lightsaber handle. It was a perfect fight and it looked exactly like the original lightsaber. The only problem was that it couldn't go down into the handle like the original toy. It was going to work for now though.

The next day we decorated the living area of the dorm with the help of the other BTS members. If it wasn't for the other members then there would've been noway to get the place ready. Rap Monster hyung handled most of the high walled and ceiling decorations, but he could reach so far. He would catch Zelo or one of the VIXX members on occasion as they were walking through when he needed help. It was an interesting sight to see, mostly because they are all so tall and we had a step stool that could've been used at any point. However, Rap Monster hyung would've broke something or himself if he had used it. He isn't known as the god of destruction for nothing.

At long last, we finished decorating the dorm and most of us rushed to get dressed. Jin hyung was busy cooking with Daehyun and Leo hyung. They all took turns to get dressed but they made it their sole purpose to provide delicious food and drink for the whole costume party. There wasn't much chatter from the kitchen, but I guess when you have some of the quietest people in three separate idol groups together that you honestly couldn't expect anything more.

At exactly eight o'clock, the quest started to arrive. AnnMarie came with Cora and Grace. Candice and Maegan arrived but Candice had brought her husband coffee that seemed to brighten his dark mood. Then the GOT7  members, shinEE members, and EXO  members arrived. All of the BTS members were dressed in their latest Halloween costumes. I was magic Mickey, Jhope was Darth Vader, Jungkookie was a detective, Taehyungie was a vampire, Rap Monster was some chicken yolk, Jin was a pumpkin patch protector, and Suga was Naruto. It was great to be dressed up in a time that had been happier for us. I enjoyed the fact that the BAP members were all American mobsters, but yet they were all their own individual. AnnMarie was dressed as a purple witch and she seemed to compliment Zelo very well. He seemed much happier and more open to expressing himself. He had even pierced his nose here recently. Cora seemed uncomfortable with Rap Monster hyung but she stayed by Bang Yongguk hyung's side. She was dressed as a very elegant lady in her black floor length gown with a grey fox fur scarf. Candice was dressed as a cat and that definitely pleased Leo hyung. I knew how much he loved cats and he was dressed as Sebastian from Black Butler. Candice kept pawing at his coat tails and it was very cute. Hyuk was dressed as  Lady Ceil Phantomhive and just kept laughing as if he was in on some joke that no one else knew about. Julie arrived later dressed as Angela Blanc and Ravi was dressed as the man form of the daemon dog, Pluto. They looked very cute together, especially since Julie was looking very much in control of Ravi in his dog form. It raised a few questions in my mind but I didn't bother. The EXO member were various Alice Madness Returns Characters. That was a scary twist a nursery rhyme I had grown up on. Grace was dressed as Harley Quinn. The GOT7 members were dressed as various Attack on Titan members and the shinEE members were dressed as Supernatural Characters. It was all very humorous and enjoyable to see. However, a few people just seemed to not be enjoying themselves. Those people were Leo, DO, Rap Monster and Cora.

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